
Don't worry! There's color! Check out the jaw-droppingly ugly color of the ocean in the trailer.

I'm not sure if I've ever seen a film with worse color grading. I feel bad for the colorist who was forced to help make this movie look like absolute dogshit at the request of the Director-Cinematographer.

I wouldn't recommend it.

Screeners often end up in an ever-growing pile on someone's desk and I'd say most of them don't even get watched by the recipient.

We still have videos and Disqus.

I gave it a try a while back and now I'm getting back into it in a big way. It's making me really crave more games set in the Unterzee.

One of the creators did a good post-mortem on what worked and what didn't:

I feel the exact same way. Get ready to go deeper, to someplace even darker…

So glad to see Sunless Sea get some love.

I'm still not sure if I hate the writing or cinematography more.

I keep going back to Poison Season by Destroyer more than I ever imagined I would.

I did, too. She was amazing.

I don't give a shit if you think their last X albums have been crap.

It's deliberate. The band wants to force people to experience music they would otherwise ignore.

I'm 99% sure they still have a grudge against U2 / Bono to this day.

RIP - He died before he could be cast on The Walking Dead and be completely ignored by the writers.

Community could definitely get very serious when it wanted to.

Every movie must be 90% teal, or else skin tones won't pop properly. This was apparently a huge problem that ruined every single film before digital color grading became a thing.

And that team of villains grew up to become the Discovery Channel.