
Expect CBS to let Tina stop the laugh track long enough to get the occasional joke in.

Have you ever been to downtown LA around 7 am on a weekend?

Agreed on St. Vincent. I know Annie Clark is amazingly talented, and she meets all the criteria for being a musician that I'd be into… but I find her utterly boring. But I know she's probably not boring.

Have you ever worked for a major company?

It gets a pass for being an adaptation of "An Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge" by Ambrose Bierce.

The obligatory speed ramping in the first or second shot, obviously.

Plastic is amazing and lands somewhere between Patrick Cowley and Johnny Jewel.* I've listened to it about a dozen times in the past two days.

I shared my FWB with my roommate because she wanted to have sex, and I shared my roommate with my FWB because he wanted to experience a threesome. I told my roommate afterward that I wouldn’t like it if she slept with my FWB on her own, and I told my FWB that we should have discussed having a threesome before it

They're not even getting decent contrast. It looks muddled and ugly. It's teal and orange with no real point.

The color grading looks like absolute garbage. What the hell were they thinking?

Hell, renting "Glitter" got me a six month furlough at work.

I'm pretty sure that's Little Caeser's business model.

I'm pretty sure there's some kind of tax credit tied to the amount of teal in a film. It's at the point where you often see cinematographers skip the whole orange contrast thing and bathe skin tones in teal.

How Stella Got Her Groove

I feel like the Spider Man franchise gets rebooted more often than a Mac circa 1995.

Please stop giving absolutely everything a ponderous Origin Story™.

It's actually a reference to a deck of cards created by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt back in the '70s.

That Family Matters thing just blew my fucking mind.

Or just read the classic short story of the same name.

"As It Is, When It Was" may have been left off, but damn if it's not a fantastic song that I fell in love with long, long after I became a NO fan.