
I remember almost nothing of this movie, except the way it made me feel.

Didn't he leave Community and delete all of his Community-related tweets and stop discussing the show?

I love Queen and I love this song, but it's been overplayed to the point where I honestly never really want to hear it again.

Ghostbusters 2 convinced me that any attempt to continue on and make it a series was doomed to fail.

A lot of YouTube personalities would be far more tolerable if they focused on quality not quantity.

Is Hell on Wheels any good?

Triggered some memorable headaches?

Hated it then. Hate it now. Boring as hell.

Things To Do In Denver tried too hard at world-building.

The title Feeling Minnesota is so '90s it hurts.

While "Free As A Bird" was a novelty that got a lot of attention, "Real Love" was dismissed almost immediately. Which is unfortunate, given that it was a truly sweet and nice way for them to bow out for good.

Don't get me wrong - I love Ocean City, MD.

I'm a film snob / former film student, but fuck Dogme95.

Maybe you were in Ocean City, MD by mistake.

Parker Lewis Can Loseā€¦ Everything!

I will never understand why "Come Together" is basically the only Beatles track you ever hear on the radio. It's shit.

I always thought The Special looked delicious.

Airbus is probably still pissed he didn't press the "Ditch" button.

The color grading is part of the evolution of teal and orange to dispense with the orange and make everything the same shade of teal, with no real contrasting elements in the frame.

Yeah, I heard they started paving last year.