
That moose in the Trading Post? He roll with my crew.

Black Dynamite singing Drugs are Fun remains near and dear to my heart.

I'm pretty sure McDonald's does a good job of keeping you from never having to deal with solid… anything.

The moment when the sweet old woman abruptly switched into Full Carcosa mode was deeply unsettling.

It's a vision of Elaine Benes doing a Pepsi commercial in 1991.

I have an insurmountable bias against this album on account of how inescapable it was for about two solid years.

How did Doc McStuffins not make either Part 1 or Part 2? I've yet to meet a parent who dislikes it in any way. It's like the Phineas and Ferb for preschoolers.

Yes! I moved to my current place because it's close to the Metro.

Burbank to Santa Monica via the 134 west > 405 south > 10 west. That is a special kind of hell.

I greatly prefer the country roads of my home state instead of the 405 through LA.

Freeway expansion leads to an induced demand nightmare pretty much every time. Completing the freeways probably wouldn't make things as good as you might hope.

The People Awkwardly Under the Spiral Stairs Who We Could Like Just Walk Away and Escape in Any of Three Directions But Inexplicably Won't

Not necessarily. Tim Curry stayed in character as Pennywise during the entire production of IT, and nobody died.

They do, but on each album following Pop you've been able to see exactly where they've freaked-out and backpedalled from making good music. They're always chasing some approximation of what they think people want, rather than focusing on making good songs.

Bono once said something to the effect that he always felt bad for big solo artists like Elvis and Michael Jackson. At the end of the day, they end up completely alone, surrounded by parasitic yes men.

And like Michael, U2 does need to just calm down and focus on the songs, not the statement, before they second-guess themselves to complete irrelevance.

I really want to see a movie where Robert Mapplethorpe's body is brought out of stasis and he's introduced to his liaison to the world of 2015 NYC - Lena Dunham.

Artsy bohemian culture is fine (if occasionally a bit too pretentious for me) if the artists in question are actually interested in creating art, not focused on obsessing over the idea that they're artists.

Ouch… I hadn't read that before. I knew there was some initial animosity (which I get, even if it wasn't cool) but that makes it sound much worse than I had imagined.