
Alien 3 took the nihilistic, doomed storyline to its natural conclusion.

I think the rise of comic book films has set the expectation that you can't just show the beginning of a story, you have to provide an Origin Story That Spells Out Absolutely Everything, Fuck Subtext.

I can't wait to see Thomas Edison invent the lens flare.


Classic stalking.

Romantic comedies and movies seem to teach the idea that if you pursue someone and stalk them hard enough and long enough that that they will fall in love with you.

The sound of this song made me reflexively turn off the TV / radio whenever it came on.

I was shocked when I found out. He appeared in an ep of TNG early in the show's run, but looked perfectly healthy. Definitely not like a guy who was that close to passing away.

The Strokes have released an official statement on the matter: "Ahahahhaha, sucks to be you. LMAO."

EC's comics were the only ones I ever got into as a kid. I always found Superhero stuff to be pretty corny. As much as I tried to like them, I ended up buying more of the "real world"-ish stuff.

Rachel Bloom is amazing.

You just wait, someday the lawyers for the band M are going to sue the shit out of Ray Parker Jr. and Huey Lewis.

If your willpower wavers, know that The Long Dark is an Early Access game in the vein of Kerbal Space Program or Prison Architect. It's functional and complete enough to make you feel like you're buying a game, not a broken tech demo.

I really want to play The Forest, but the lack of a Mac version is keeping me away.

One Weird Trick Only '90s Kids Will Get That Doctors And Power Companies Hate But What Happens Next Will Surprise You

I feel like some sleep-deprived employee pitched that to a friend of theirs as a joke to break up the monotony of working late, only to have an exec walk by at the wrong time, hear it and greenlight it. That's literally the only explanation I can come up with.

They did, until the band shifted the rock tracks to the end of the album and front-loaded it with weak-ass songs.

I heard Insomnia wasn't worth a read. I completely missed that it takes place entirely in Derry.

Derry is one of those locations that I'd love to see reappear as the main setting of a future novel. But I doubt we'll ever see it, as King claims Pennywise is "too scary" for him to deal with again.