
Your first mistake was replying to a discussion thread from two years ago.

Your first mistake was replying to a discussion thread from two years ago.

That's reserved for the debugger.

It has already disappointed her.

I'm glad AMC found another show it could hold-off on airing until next year.

I know so little about comic books that I was completely unaware that there was such a thing as Ant Man and that he has a massive fan base.

A teal beard and cowboy hat is… unfortunate.

The way things are evolving, "Problematic" is quickly becoming the "bless your heart" of social justice.

DOHA - A recent poll of Qatar's slave labor force came back 100% in favor of hosting the Winter Olympics, as long as officials agree to consider not holding their passports "in a safe place" past the year 2022.

That way they can get two seasons while not triggering any of the automatic raises they'd probably face by treating them as separate.

Yeah, I don't think HQ copies - watermarked or not - are going out to anyone for a long time. (aside from Matt Weiner and maybe a few execs)

Her entrance into the movie was one of those scenes that felt horribly stagey, like it didn't quite make it through the translation from play to film.

Saddam had internet tubes stacked up at a mobile irony lab.

Big Rig Nazi Hunters

It's shocking that The Hitler Channel can't even produce a show about Hitler correctly. Oh wait, it's not 1995 anymore.

Yes, the failed Canadian retail chain.

I'd love to see a track-by-track deconstruction / historical piece on the recording of Pop.

"Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me" is actually really good. It's come up in the "Discotheque" article as a song that got people really excited about what Pop would be like.

U2's soundtrack work has been more miss than hit.

I think we both had the same ex roommates.