
Not 100% sure if this counts as negging, but it’s a good story so I’ll tell it anyway.

“Your English is great. You almost sound totally American. It's nice to hear someone actually try.”

Fuck you. He is a white-fucking-supremacist. Mental illness doesn’t make someone racist and carry out anti-black murders. Most people with mental illnesses don’t even fucking kill people.

The government doesn’t give a fuck about black people. Black people are being sent to jail for smoking marijuana while white people are setting up shops in Colorado. This is modern slavery. Black people are doing free labor in jail for trivial shit.

Yup. Did you hear about the black girl scouts who were racially accosted by the white people in their community? They wanted something to be done about animal abuse, only for them to be called animals in return. Black children are treated like adults.

And people are still blaming what happened to those innocent people on mental illness. White people must be humanized at all costs. Notice that when the police found him, they gave him a vest and didn’t handcuff him. The life of a white man who kills black people has value but the life of a black child who holds a


Jesus, it’s like Bill is purposefully fucking with the guy:

There’s the Jewish angle here, from Stein’s particular perspective. I’ve seen it a few other places on the Interwebs since this Lebron/Blatt drama first became a thing late last year, with David Roth being but one Jewish guy who’s also mentioned it. Basically, there’s a certain feeling among some Jewish sportswriters

It would be a lot easier to accept Blatt as the oppressed virtuoso if he weren’t frantically calling timeouts they don’t have in playoff games.


I’m a LeBron hater (but I do admit he’s the best player in the NBA right now, because I’m not stupid), but this is just stupid. Blatt is so obviously in over his head, and LeBron so obviously knows the optimal strategy better than anyone else on the floor, that there’s no question that he’s right.

Just like there are only a few humans who can guard LeBron, there are only a few humans who can coach him. Blatt is not one of them.

It’s tough to be the boss of someone way more competent than you are. Why don’t they just name him player-coach and be done with it, and acknowledge whomever is on the sidelines in a suit is the assistant?

I am a millennial and I kind of can’t be bothered to just have casual sex. I find it overrated personally and not worth the hassle.