
Americans are really schizophrenic about pets... Treating animals they eat like barbarians and asking for pets to be treated like children sometimes.It fascinates me.

One of the things I value so much, reading this story, is how clearly it shows the way that reporting someone isn’t always and shouldn’t be assumed to be a horrible excision of deep personal trauma—that the author reported him with the primary goal of keeping other women safe.

Rape is included in sexual assault, but is not the same thing. Nobody here is saying that men are not sexually assaulted, or that it’s not a big deal when this happens to them. Someone who attempts to force themselves on a person—such as what happened to you— and fails will probably try again and succeed. That’s why

It's indicative of behavior pattern. I'm glad you got away from that man who came on to you. It could have ended so much worse if that man had continued.

I really fucking hope tons and tons of people read this and realize that assault is a serious thing, and for some reason we keep treating it as ‘women are just lying bitches’ and THAT’S NOT FUCKING OKAY.

If I’m not mistaken both Columbia and the police declined to pursue a case against Nungesser due to insufficient evidence, which is vastly different than affirming his innocence.

It feels like an all over the place mess.

Now playing

Like his style or not, it takes a massive amount of chill to turn (legitimate) criticism into a fucking punchline:

in Harden’s case, people just hate the way he plays basketball and want him to stop doing it.

I don’t disagree with the thrust of this piece (except maybe the need to reduce everything to a competition between which pop star is most worthy of our affection), but it’s not exactly revelatory, is it? Of course Taylor Swift’s [insert thing here] is not a feminist manifesto. It is a Swiftist Manifesto, and always

Because if he sued her he would have to prove that she lied when she said he raped her. He can’t do that (because he raped her) so he’s conveniently leaving her name off the list of people he’s suing.

Swap out a couple titles here and there and this exact same post could be written about Beyonce, but I digress.

If an expensive music video made by a millennial centimillionaire to whine about another millennial millionaire poaching her employees is a manifesto of any kind, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to read it.

This is a great piece.

I love Kendrick, but does anybody else think that his contribution to this song is extremely whack? It’s almost as out of place as that random rapper on Rebecca Black’s “Friday”.

I think her whole video is the biggest name-drop ever.

Dude, I get that the OP’s ideas are outdated but “old trout”? “Sour vagina”? You can disagree without that sort of bullshit.

I have to admit, I found Cathy's piece yesterday credible. I didn't recognize her byline, and I couldn't imagine why a woman would say she loved somebody who raped her or suggest hanging out with him. The longer transcripts and Emma's explanations put my concerns in context. It looks like she was trying to pull away

Cathy Young is the real-life Rita Skeeter