
I hate that fucking guy. And he's an embarrassment to Indian Americans. I always have to tell people he's not one of my people. I wish Chappelle's racial draft was real, we'd pawn him off on the Whites in a HEARTBEAT.

No! What? No.

Bob's got my back.

You joke as if that's not a daily fear of mine.

... Dude, we know. I'm not sure why you consider this insider-type knowledge or why you came in guns blazing because people have criticized the outcome of this year's voting. Would you prefer that the Academy not be criticized at all?

Why is what still an issue? Are you wondering why people are still writing and thinking about this? I'm not sure what you're looking for here.

This is not insider-type knowledge. It's been discussed ad nauseum.

Any question over whether or not the producers and directors behind black films are pressured into writing in white saviors should have ended after the Selma/LBJ controversy. White critics were pissed that the movie didn't make LBJ into a white savior despite the movie being based on recent history.

The stories of slavery and the Civil Rights movement have been appropriated by the white power structure.

"An officer asked Geer to step out of the car. "He got out and they arrested him for drunk in public," says Stewart. "He learned he could have stayed in his car and he never would have been arrested."

Is Russell Wilson going to blame God for that play call?

I'm not anti-gun. I grew up in a place with guns. I understand their utility. But the reason I've never bought one — besides the difficulty of getting a CHL license in New York — is that it's another thing someone can wrestle away from me and use against me. I just don't think it's a solution to the larger issue.

Reminder: Jeff Roorda was a dirty cop and was fired for making a false statement against a suspect in 1997 and his own police chief in 2001.

I think the point is that it doesn't seem to matter if you can prove it or not, when no one does a damn thing when you can.

Yes. You solve a lack of surveillance problem with surveillance. You can't solve an institutional power-abuse problem with surveillance. You can't solve a racialized problem with a race-neutral solution.

Guys, I just think he mistook her for a demon. It's a common mistake, y'know?

See, I'm starting to get convinced that even with cameras, the problem officers are just going to keep doing shit with impunity, because they know they won't receive any sort of punishment or consequence.