
He never said open marriage = feminism, and if you think they will divorce, you’re projecting.

90% of the comments on the original article are about the OP being cuckolded. Open marriages challenge traditional ideas about what masculinity entails and the patriarchal family structure

There hasn’t been a meaningful response from the editorial staff about the content of the post itself, which advances a narrow, homophobic worldview that is scandalized by gay sex, and worse, uses that trope to knock someone down, in addition to advancing the personal vendetta of an unhinged megalomaniac/blackmailer.

Yeah, that’s an explicit threat.

In which video footage captures a murder threat by a police officer.

The truth is she shouldn’t have been pulled over, much less threatened and arrested.

She didn’t change the rules of their marriage, they did, and they are okay with it. They both see other partners.

The comments in response to the article are anti-feminist and misogynist. They are what’s actually worthy of Tracy’s/Jezebel’s opprobrium.

Open relationships defy existing patriarchal structures. Feminism fights existing patriarchal structures. Unless you’re denying this woman her agency, monogamy did limit her sexual expression.

I don’t think he’s self involved for sharing his thought process. Open relationships are taboo. His personal experience is interesting.

Also they both engage in seeing other partners.

It is feminism, because traditionally only men have been able to view the world as their own sexual domain or expression, regardless of patriarchal family structures.

He is, just not as often.

Thanks for responding, I am getting a richer sense for the editorial staff’s perspective.

I’m not one to grant Nick Denton moral high ground in any situation, and it’s not surprising that his decision is driven by business reasons and not much else.

I suppose I disagree with you in that I think it’s better to remove

The problem is that the post shouldn’t stay up; it would continue to do damage (i.e., to the family, and by perpetuating vindictive journalism via blackmail, and by perpetuating homophobia as a way to “take someone down”) if it had stayed up. It’s immoral to keep it up. I wish they (the editorial staff) had taken it


Sheneque Proctor, Kindra Chapman, Sandra Bland. RIP.

Nice deflection.

I think your memory is fogged up by your own fetishes. Graf’s appearance and physique was most certainly compared with the more “feminine” players of her day.

Especially in the 21st Century!

Why can’t the United States’ beat other teams though?