
Gorcyca’s actions are inexcusable, and also will probably further drive a rift between the children and their father, even if this is true. It doesn’t make sense legally or morally. I’m curious as to why he didn’t speak to the judge’s ruling.

Yeah, this article did not actually answer the man’s question :/

That’s rough :( good luck.

This is a legal possibility?!

unpaid internships are a luxury for people with rich parents.

keep digging your shiny, lonely grave, trump

Like I said originally, you have to compare number of matches and tournaments played on the respective WTA and ATP tours.

You’re rattling off figures that you don’t understand, without even trying to make a point.

She is the highest earner due to sponsorships, not due to prize money or dominance on the tour. She has not played the same number of matches as Djokovic, much less win as many tournaments. She hasn’t worked as much as Djokovic. In any case, it’s kind of odd to compare them. It would be more apt to compare greats on

(And even though Sharapova has won a lot less than Djokovic, she still worth almost twice as much as him).

The majority of the gap wrt that comparison is actually explained by the fact that Djokovic won a lot more than Sharapova. Especially in 2014.

I’m not really arguing with you about the history of tennis; just pointing out that your original assumptions/comparison between champions were incorrect. And it’s reflective of a sexist (and racist) culture that Sharapova is worth more than better players both in the men’s and women’s game.

Maria Sharapova and Novak Djokovic aren’t comparable. What’s crazy is how high Sharapova’s net worth is (higher than Serena Willams and Djokovic), given she is nowhere near the champions that Djokovic or Williams are.

In sports where the possibility exists, women are competing with men. E.g. in high school wrestling by weight class, and women soccer players are actually fairly often the kickers on high school football teams. On the professional level, there are female pitchers in baseball who are garnering a lot of interest. I

I am a sports fan! I watched the world cup. I watch women’s and men’s sports! You don’t. The ratings for the women’s national team were a victory. I absolutely am interested in women’s sports becoming larger. But I think the grassroots activism comes in the form of getting more women in the stands; you can’t

OK, the point is that the work conditions there are atrocious, and the scale, even with this adjustment, is still atrocious.

That women do not go out of their way to watch women’s sports, even if there are opportunities around them to do so. And that many of those women don’t watch sports at all.

Oh so you’re just saying that workers in the class action are being included in the death tolls, and not commenting on the work conditions.