
That’s perfectly reasonable, but that is basically the guess that most investors in sports right now are making.

An exceptional woman would be able to play professional mens’ soccer. She would probably start as an MLS player.

But this isn’t a hypothetical question. Why aren’t more women filling stands at local and regional sporting events? Why aren’t they watching more of the sports that are already being televised? Activism in this area should start with actively rallying to fill stadiums and view events, and buying merchandise.

What’s wrong with including heart attacks? The work conditions are atrocious.

Would you really be spending your disposable income on women’s sports? Did you go to games in college?

Sure, but you probably didn’t watch women’s sporting events in college either.

Pay is nearly equal in tennis. Novak Djokovic is the number one player on the men’s circuit. The reason he made more money in 2014 is because he won more tennis.

Men’s players are not overpaid. They are what drive ratings, and owners still get the largest piece of the pie. Salary caps are bullshit.

Because you are not watching them. At the collegiate level or at the professional level.

You should be outraged that you don’t care about women’s sports. Or that women in general aren’t. Women should be buying tickets to sporting events. They are not.

OK, but going and watching women’s Major League Soccer is not a relic of that patriarchy. Why don’t you watch women’s soccer?

I donno, seems like good advice. Like “negotiate your salary.”


6. You can’t play golf at my country club!

Now playing

It’s like when Paula Deen shills for diabetes and peddles lard.

That second pass.

Why didn’t the South fight against slavery?


I like the part where he goes back in the pool again