
Don’t know what happened to my post (it was promoted and then disappeared), but I share your sentiments.

Also, this:

Well her writing in this piece reflects a point of view which objectifies and marginalizes people of color, and also discounts the experiences of people in India whose fights for justice are not “Western”

The arrogance and white supremacy involved in exoticizing a foreign country to realize a fetish is a little more deeply problematic than the naïveté of youth.

Also, this:

He fit the bill for an exciting foreign romance: tall, dark, and handsome.

i don’t wear makeup or shave legs. and i don’t feel like i have to.

aww the most words Marshawn has ever said are very sweet.

If it is all about mental illness, why is the “War on Terror” an excuse to bomb brown people, rather than an intervention with mood stabilizers?

fuck that movie.

not white, and yeah Kara (““Hey, you’re black, right?”) would be the one asking you to prove your blackness, not me; at least according to this thread. I don’t think she would actually do that in real life.

They are investigating it now...but only after her family called her out.

What reasons? You would guess wrong sometimes, (including if you came across Graby Sauce’s family), and it would be fucked.

Or you could have been wrong (e.g., if you had come across GS’ family), and that would be pretty fucked and offensive.

that’s an offensive thing to ask mixed people, but she probably would have said, “yeah”

What would a vetting process actually look like?


This is odd considering the number of billionaires with private jets, residences, and bank accounts for their dalliances.

Can we discuss gender essentialism and race essentialism? Both are constructs steeped in existing power structures, cultures and tradition. The idea of taking on another race identity feels wrong. Why does it feel wrong?

Like Leonard last year