That principle is brilliant, but thinking too small. If you close the entire school, then NONE of the students can vape in school. Problem solved
That principle is brilliant, but thinking too small. If you close the entire school, then NONE of the students can vape in school. Problem solved
The thing no one remembers is that “Single Ladies” actually won Video of the Year that year, the more prestigious award. Kanye wasn’t just a jerk, but he jumped the gun. Basically, he got upset that Moonlight didn’t win best screenplay when Best Picture was still to come.
Kanye was not right.
So I am confused. Was she hired and then fired before the first one was even made?
Well, cats hate you too.
Twenty-one years is an impressive lifespan. You sure the cat is not an undead?
If you took your cat to a football field and then put one piece of paper that you actually care about on that field, the cat will puke on that paper 100 times out of 100.
That’s not a bug, it’s a feature.
I’m gonna go adopt 5 cats just to spite you
I lost two AV Club Reviewers the same way.
Awww. Somebody needs a hug.
Ugh Also don’t let your Cat sit on your computer
Pro-tip, don’t let your car sit on your computer. Even if he isn’t puking, his hair is getting pulled into the damn thing
Was this JadedBlue’s first-ever day of owning a cat?
i’m a docent at the edward gorey house museum. he always had 6-7 cats around & they had free reign around the house. one time, he spent 2 weeks on a detailed illustration only to have it ruined when one of his kitties jump up on his desk & knock over an ink well all over it.
I prefer him to live a long, miserable life in prison getting visits every night from his new boyfriend.
Given that child abusers are often the least-respected/safe members of the prison population, I’m shocked he wasn’t put in solitary from the start. I hope this scumbag lives long enough to rat out his associates, and then lives no more or less than every second of his sentence.
Then don’t read what the commenters on TMZ are saying.