
She "literally" knows how to use the word mortified? 

I went to that and was baffled too. I’m a woman, I’m all for inclusion, but I’m also sensitive about tradition. I hated how the new episodes had a female voice for Gypsy. A falsetto voice can be insanely funny. My husband does a great Gypsy and it leaves me in stitches.

The sad thing? Her voice is actually quite rich and beautiful. Her manner, not so much.

I know! She got the raw end!

They thank you kindly. 

Single Ladies” always brings to mind this video and nothing else. Because JT brings it.

Totally off topic, but I have 3 Edward Gorey prints and he is my favorite artist/illustrator! His humor was fabulous.

It is written proof that we need to bring back psychiatric asylums. 

My husband cycles almost every day to Boston. He follows the rules of the road, and yet has been hit many times by texters, pot vapers (and no, I am not anti-marijuana), or just complete idiots. And I can tell you, people are not just aggressive because laws are being broken by the cyclists. There is a lot of hate for

Now I have the image of Creepy Girl In Japanese Horrorfilm tropes, mixed with Greek mythology and body-horror.

I came here to say pretty much the same thing. I grew up Catholic and while I don’t practice it I like that churches are there. Honestly, every priest or preacher I have met has been really nice and comforting. It pisses me off when these fringe or extremist groups do shit like this. It just makes the hate for

Sorry, I left out “/s”. The type of person you were railing against (chemicals are bad, GMO is bad, vaccines are bad) irks me to no end. My husband and I often apply the “But is it GMO?” line to hairspray, rakes, dog toys,etc. sarcastically.

But is that water GMO?

I’ve seen enough faith bashing on Kinja to last me 12 Karmic cycles. It pissed me off initially, but hey, I grew up Catholic. I know the Church has its faults. But its basic tenets are forgiveness and doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, so that is what I try to do.

But I think the point is that now we should try to proceed with civil discourse. I never agree 100% with either side of the aisle, but I think we should try to talk about things and at least try to understand the other side without immediately pointing fingers, swearing, and saying “But they...”

Came here for this, was not disappointed.

Mais non. Ugh my French is crap. I apologize to all the French speaking world and my high school French teacher.

Mait non

Best served with this.