
I'm in Eastern Europe, and the trailer works just fine both on Facebook and on Twitter.

It's devilishly brilliant.

I did not know that, but somehow I'm not the least bit surprised.

Also, they were big fans of purity and cleanliness and avoided all bloating foods.

I was referencing a line from "We tapped that ass," actually.

Oh, darn it, that was one of my favorite American sayings.

Dollars to donuts the show ends with Trent and Rebecca as a couple.

Also, next week's episode is literally titled "Can Josh take a leap of faith?"

I doubt it will happen due to Santino Fontana's real life busyness, but it would be really cool if Greg came to the wedding. He's one of Josh's closest friends, it would make sense to invite him, and I really want to hear what he has to say about this whole fiasco. Or maybe I just miss Greg.

Does Dr Akopian not count?

It's been like that for me, too. I mean, my depression is different (mostly overeating and playing dumb games on the computer), but boy did I relate with the whole believing-the-boy-you-liked-when-you-were-14-is-the-key-to-happiness thing.

God damn it, I really don't want to ship Rebecca with Nathaniel. I really don't. The only thing I really want for her is a shitload of therapy. But this small, weak, romcom-infused part of me really wants them to have some kind of a romance.

Frankly, even smelling normal can be an achievement for some of us.

I also feel like it was reminiscent of how he was with Rebecca when she first moved to West Covina, amazed at how "chill" she was compared to Valencia. Thing is, he doesn't get that it's not as easy to be chill once you're invested.

On the ottoman, one can take a lot of man. Or so I've heard.

Oh wow, I completely misread that. I'm really sorry.
I like to refer to those as "previouslies."

I kind of see her as a Hufflepuff, actually, in that Hufflepuffs are the most chill and accepting of the houses.


For me, reading recaps and comments is another way of enjoying the show, an opportunity to see it through a different lens. When I like something, I like to talk about it and read about it and discuss it, and that's what the recaps provide. Plus, I'm always interested in what a professional TV viewer gets out of a

To be fair, Mother Teresa *did* say and do some questionable shit.