Do you think we purposefully left stuff out to ferment? Fermentation gave us beer/alcohol, sauerkraut, lutefisk, kimchi... You're forgetting that in some cases, that's all there was to eat. Being picky meant you starved and died.
Do you think we purposefully left stuff out to ferment? Fermentation gave us beer/alcohol, sauerkraut, lutefisk, kimchi... You're forgetting that in some cases, that's all there was to eat. Being picky meant you starved and died.
Hierarchy exists everywhere. When I worked in the hospital, doctors looked down on nurses, nurses looked down on support staff... Paramedics were referred to as "parameciums".
Kid Cannon Cascable
I've used this approach, but have fallen victim to either not listening or "knowing" what was trying to be communicated.
For me, it's my lower back. I need to do yoga regularly, or there are days when I have to twist out whatever is happening in my lower back every couple of hours. Otherwise it can uncomfortable. It's not painful, but I become aware that something is not right.
Some people need the movement more than it needs them. What's really sad is how the movement suffers for it, not them.
Happens to me all the time...
That's only half the equation - see Another Kind of Street Meat:…
Isn't the quoted price roughly a quarter of cost of the real surgical one? And 24 hrs vs 10 years?
Who needs underwire when you have a Glass Slipper™?
The carriage turns into a pumpkin at midnight™
Thanks! Now I can escape my captors' basement!
Take pipe insulation off pipes other than your own. Just sayin'
That's a serious breach of etiquette. Not the best pun - I don't believe that Sei's breach. But stop whaling (pun intended).
Sure, they'd have had relationships - acquaintances at best. And based on pity, or being paid for it - basically the same thing. My experience is that the forever alone are seen - people choose not to get involved, or worse - reinforce the alienation, or abuse/shun/smear. Omission of action is a decision. Let the…
I guess it's telling that the article won't say if the socks are medical grade, or make any statement about the compression at all.
I find your puns constrained...