Ob-La-Di Hell

I encourage you to challenge your own view by listening to any of Paul’s isolated bass tracks (available on YouTube; Hey, Bulldog and Something are two straight masterpieces I’d recommend to start). If you’re interested in their singing ability, you can also hear their isolated harmonies (the b-side of Abbey Road has


Well... Goodman in Skull Island might not be top-tier Goodman, but to me he’s never phoning it in. I think the Kong movie just really didn’t give him much to play with. (Conversely - ever see Flight? The Zemeckis/Denzel movie? Goodman is riveting, completely believable, perversely likeable, as Denzel’s

Didn’t they write a large chunk of it whilst trying to figure out how to finish Miller’s Crossing? I understand writer’s block was the starting point for coming up with Barton Fink.

i don’t get it. they dont use their feet and it’s not a ball. it should be called handegg.

Thandie Newton

I can keep going with this if you want more.

Bridge over Troubled Water

If the secret to beating the Night King is to build a bridge out of him... that would seem a fitting ending to the saga.

The third time it falls over, burns down and then....sinks into the swamp.

McCann Erickson, not Grey, but yeah.

You jest but damn I wish there was an extended Mad Men universe. My favorite show and sorely missed.

Yeah they’ve got a racist cartoon on their uniform and everything. It’s really great.

No, he’s killed by a drunk driver.

Either Bran wakes up after his initial fall in Season one with a “Has father left yet?”, or...

PEASANT REVOLUTIONARY: I thought we were an autonomous collective?

Somebody has to fuck a dragon.

Oh please, honey. Daddy’s job is to bring people important news. Right now, I’m very busy preparing a report about the 40th anniversary of Beetle Bailey!

It is very important to point out Lois was the sister of Beetle Bailey, so anything that happened in the Hi and Loisverse is canon to the Baileyverse as well. Of course we’ll see how much of this remains intact when Zack Snyder’s Bailey movie comes out in 2021.

I used to be a summer camp counselor, and this was often the only way the (fairly strict) higher-ups would allow the kids to hear anything even remotely contemporary. Until they heard the lyrics and banned the Kidz Bop anyway. But the kids would still sing along to the radio on the bus for field trips. You have not