It’s like jazz. It’s all about the movies they *don’t* make.
It’s like jazz. It’s all about the movies they *don’t* make.
I agree about needing to re-watch their films to really appreciate them, which could be a chore for some. Personally I don’t find their comedies as funny the first time through because I’m stubbornly trying to follow the plots and keep up with the action. Once I realize the the plots are secondary to the characters,…
How many (if any) of their movies have you watched more than once? It took me at least five years and three viewings to fully enjoy “Lebowski” and I was disappointed in “O Brother” after my first viewing (it’s now one of my favorites by ANYBODY).
It was pretty solid, but - like with Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - splitting a season in half is BAFFLING for a half-hour comedy. There’s barely enough to watch before it’s over, and then we’re expected to pick up in, like, February like there wasn’t a huge gap?
VERY cool.
In fairness, the only reason Fox doesn’t want her is that she doesn’t like Trump ENOUGH.
I read it too, but it’s hard for me to imagine the AV Club making a basic factual error like that. Oh wait, no, the opposite.
Who the fuck are you to tell her who she is and isn’t allowed to let masturbate in front of her?
I’m NOT defending CK, but because facts and journalism matter, I thought I read that he asked? Not that he said he asked, but that his accusers said he asked. Which doesn’t make it ok, but it’s an important detail. If I got that wrong, I apologize.
If she doesn’t care, why should you? Two situations are not the same. One was consensual. The other was not.
Spoilers for S1
But oh man, I really, REALLY hope Elfo stays dead. He was the fucking worst.
Cool! Keith Phipps did an interview with Robert Forster that just got posted on Vulture, too.
Moviepass’ big thing now is giving only 1-2 options a day. But here’s the other thing, they stopped checking ticket stubs to verify you went to the movie you checked in for. So, I see whatever I feel like. That’s still 3 movies a month for $10.
Ahhhh, good point. Though I’ll desperately save face by insisting that part three isn’t a late entry!
Really? How are there no links to this in the Recommended Stories module? You’re slippin’, AV Club. You’re slippin’.
Few of us will ever be pro athletes or movie/TV stars, but we still love watching them.
“So, you Academy voters like Moonlight, huh? Well, I’ll give ya the whole damn moon! See how you like me then!”
So sick of those glamourpusses Steve Buscemi, John Turturro, Stephen Root, John Goodman, Tim Blake Nelson, and Tom Waits hogging the spotlight, eh? ;)
“Man throats - Direwolves don’t know its not bacon!”