Ob-La-Di Hell

Maybe so. Though it probably had something to do with the fact that they grew up with Disney movies too. It’s hard to tell your kids they’re not allowed to watch something when you have so many fond childhood memories associated with it. It doesn’t really explain why they’d allow newer movies like The Little Mermaid

Counterpoint: Giant cowboy hat.

I agree with all of this and loved every word of it.

In related news, Don Imus is still alive.

You’re comparing the Beatles to the Star Wars Prequels? That’s like saying “Who needs Filet Mignon? I’ve got a can of Spam in the fridge we can split!”

I said it in the nominees comment section but Blade Runner 2049 should have been nominated for both director and picture. I’ve seen most of the Oscar nominees for Best Picture, and it’s still my best movie of 2017 personally. The story and visuals just really got to me in a way special films can.

The Bye Bye Man released too early and got snubbed by a forgetful academy.

I’m going to heartily agree. I don’t love to really admit this but I’ve also seen a UFO. It was weird as fuck and nothing like Del Toro described but I saw the thing for a sustained period of time up close. I was not at the time on any substances (because this is always the first thing I get asked when I bother

Let’s all hope so. Dorne was bungled so badly in just about every possible way.

Yeah, that’s pretty much where I’m at. I’ve always been of the opinion that 1) David and Dan were always under the impression that Martin was deconstructing high fantasy, when in fact he was reconstructing it, and 2) David and Dan aren’t particularly good at deconstructions, because you have to know a genre inside and

“I can handle things. I’m smart. Not like everybody says, like dumb.”

As Hitch used to say, “is it more likely that a lady had an immaculate conception or that a young Jewish girl told a fib?”

The supposed Roman census, as someone pointed out, never happened — there wasn’t one at that time, they didn’t measure individuals anyway, and they most certainly didn’t require people to go to their birthplace.

Paul never claims to have met Jesus, and says little or nothing about his life.

Josephus’s mentions of Jesus are blatant Christian forgeries interpolated years later.

“You are completely wrong about non-Christian sources. Josephus’s history contains references to Jesus. There are multiple non-canonical stories of Jesus”

There is dispute over what Tacitus originally said, it is possible the Christians later took credit for a persecution of militant Jews. But it doesn’t matter - the presence of Christians in Rome doesn’t prove Jesus existed. The earliest Christian writings (Paul’s letters, Hebrews) reveal a Jesus radically different

Outstanding Achievement in Winning China

My favorite comedy sequence is in season 2, when Badger is hanging on the bench and DJ Qaulls plays the undercover officer trying to buy from him. Badger points out all these things as being suspicious just to fuck with the guy trying to buy. Then after he finally sells it he gets busted, and all that shit he pointed

Wikipedia sez: “Due to the sparse mentions of persecution under Nero in Roman historiography (Cassius Dio wrote about the Great Fire but did not mention Christians) and lack of evidence that Christians were distinguished from Jews at the time, it has been called a “myth” by some modern historians.”