If only we’d let the Muppet scatplay fanfic become the main influencer of the national debate instead.
If only we’d let the Muppet scatplay fanfic become the main influencer of the national debate instead.
And with that the Snapchat message sulked away, never to be seen again.
“I can picture some future archaeologist, confronting an archive of billions of Tweets, getting 10 or 20 deep, and throwing up his hands.”
I know, right? I started drinking at 7:00 AM like it was a Tuesday, not 8:00 AM like it was a Thursday!
Being a Unix-based system, OSX is most similar to Linux. Ubuntu be the closest in my opinion. IOS is like Android if they decided to split the top menu into multiple menus, one for notifications, and one for other things such as the flashlight. The multiple menus idea is really dumb since you have to slide up out of…
Apparelly not.
OK, I know I’m going to take some shit for this, but I finally watched The Wire this year. And it’s as great as everyone says.
You monster! In a list of bad films, how dare you include...[scans up and down the list repeatedly]
But the truth is that Scott, who hasn’t made a truly great movie since the one-two punch of Alien and Blade Runner...
I’m not sure what you’re getting at here.
Even taken on pure technical terms, I refuse to accept that Last Jedi deserves a spot over Blade Runner.
No Blade Runner 2049?
There are two main factions that use “globalism” as a slur: anti-Semites, for whom the word “globalism” is a stand-in for “Judaism,” and batshit Christians for whom “globalism” more or less exactly equates to the “Late, Great Planet Earth/Left Behind” Book of Revelations cinematic universe.
That is true, but I’m sure it added an air of “legitimacy” to the movie.
Except according to The Late, Great Planet Earth, Jesus came back in 1987.
Yes, I have read it. I was raised Southern Baptist (shudder).
You’re missing one BIG, and some might say fairly relevant, anti-globalist demographic: Russia.
Late, Great Planet Earth is the source for so much of this sort of thing that it’s odd that it’s not more well known, they even got Orson Welles to narrative the movie!
Why is globalism an insult? If we push for freer trade, universal human rights, and more sustainable development, then we’ll be able to spend less on the military and foreign aid, plus we’ll have more markets to sell stuff in.
(Dis)Honourable mention goes to Kinja.