Ob-La-Di Hell

That cannon cannot.

That, but not just that. There are 2 things I fear that are more direct threats.

Don’t underestimate the power of a ruthless, well-backed and lucky minority. The Bolsheviks, Nazis and Khmer Rouge were all jokes too at one point. I’m especially worried about US right-wing gun culture and its militias. I am reminded of the paramilitaries in the Weimar Republic, except at least in Germany all the

*mournfully clicks the like button*

“The emergency warning light on our democracy is flashing.”

This isn’t funny, this is fucking scary. The Republican Party has mutated and twisted into an authoritarian death-cult willing to lay waste to truth, democracy, the rule of law, and anything else that stands in the way of permanent one-party kleptocratic rule. The “arguments”, the deliberate warping of language, that

You guessed it, Frank Stallone?

My Dad went by himself to see The Mummy after he asked me and I said no. I still feel bad about that.

Did you misread the title as “The 20 Worst Films of 2017 and We Liked Everything Else That’s Not On This List”?

The Dark Tower should be on here. I’ve never seen more wasted potential. They had A+ casting and a terrific idea to adapt the books but also continue on from them, and it was all in service of turning it into a YA series about The Chosen Jake.

Sean Penn may be the most gifted filmmaker I’ve ever read; gifted not just because of his imagination, his energy, his originality, but because he has access to the unutterable, because he can look inside a humanitarian crisis and discover the the banal romance clichés. For twenty-six years he has been making films

I read 17 different versions of Handmaid’s Tale like the header image says.

I don’t think the Internet deserves all the blame for this shitstorm. Neo-Nazis have been around since Nazism died in Germany. Teabaggers exist largely because of Fox News and shitty right-wing talk radio. (And because conservative are racist bigots to their rotten cores.)

It’s fitting that he mentions throttling and chopping up, cause I can’t say I’d object to that happening to him.

His shit-eating smile makes me want to shove a SWAT-style battering ram into it.

Well, the Internet had a good run. Last one out hit the lights, please.

Wow...America sucks.

Gape mouthed, slow blinking stupidity. Welcome to Trump’s America. 

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: The Christmas Miracle Known as the Midseason Finale Special Edition