Whomever did whatever, this kid doesn’t deserve what he’s getting.
Whomever did whatever, this kid doesn’t deserve what he’s getting.
Yeah. “Poor Brendan” is my refrain whenever I think of or someone mentions Making a Murderer. I hope the conviction is ultimately overturned and, perhaps more importantly, he gets the help and support he’ll need to reintegrate into society.
FX (and FXX) is probably my favorite network for original, innovative, clever shows. It would be very sad to lose the place that gave us such a Justified, The Americans, Terriers, You’re The Worst, The Shield, Fargo, It’s Always Sunny, Archer, and Atlanta.
It’s simple. ANTI. TRUST. LAWS. Write your senators and representatives. If they current laws don’t work, make them stronger.
Obviously you are a libertine who memorizes jokes from Captain Billy’s Wiz Bang
I did not realize I did the “Martin Sheen as President Barlet coat swing” until someone pointed it out to me recently. It’s just a more fun way to put on a coat.
Pop culture had me briefly convinced I could be happy, successful, and accomplished
When I was in middle school I saw an airing of The Music Man. In one early scene Prof Harold Hill scandalizes the right-thinking townsfolk of River City by informing them that their little angels were using course words like “Swell”. I thought that was hilarious so I started using “Swell” as my go-to adjective for…
But SYMBOLIC victories are so much more important! I learned that from the movies!
I agree. I was wondering how the Democrats were going to blow the 2018 elections.
Sounds like they’re chasing gnu fans.
You ain’t lion!
I know they have a strong following. But are they really a mane attraction?
Maybe God is basically a reality show producer - encouraging to the forefront those most likely to start drama, feeding snappy dialogue to the stupider contestants, and just generally trying to maximize how “entertaining” the whole thing is?
Well, like the nuns taught me about the Holy Trinity, He can be three things
CNN is basically guided by Twitter reactions, as if a bunch of righteous, often uninformed, almost always morally outraged, group of online budding comedians have done anything other than blindly react to headlines and take to Twitter to check the temperature and chime in with their own unoriginal take on something…
Establishment liberals hate no one more than anybody to the left of them, ergo, liberals who follow along hate no one more than anybody to the left of establishment liberals. Unfortunately, one can be a little to the right of Nixon on most issues and wind up left of establishment liberals of today. That’s why we get…
CNN is not Liberal by any stretch of the imagination, yet many progressives keep buying into the right wwing’s bullshit.
The issue is that CNN has all the ample problems that come with being a corporate-sponsored TV news channel, while Trump is attacking the idea of journalism in concept. If it’s a choice between sensationalized reporting and outright propaganda, I reluctantly choose the former.
I mean, all your criticisms are valid,…
Yeah, call me old fashioned, but I’d much rather read news than have some empty bobble head talk it at me. I don’t need the 10 second soundbyte version of what’s going on, and it’s important that when I have no idea wtf they’re talking about I’m just a google search away from learning what “Rohingya” means.