
So at least 1 of 4 was cast for Trump... Now let’s find out about the others.

Cheers to Moore first of all. Does anyone find the nomenclature of “informant” a bit of a problem for someone who was not affiliated with any of these groups prior to going undercover? That sounds more like an asset or agent or something else and it seems like the reason this has to be clarified is because of the term

Before I even finish reading this article you need to be shamed and embarrassed by the fact that you called the prequel trilogy as the “original trilogy.” If you are not enough of a Star Wars fan to know that the Original Trilogy (or OT) is Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi, then you really

Just be straightforward dude, “being free of the Rothschild family” just means you aren’t controlled by Jews who in turn control the weather weapons and space lasers and whatever the fuck else shit MTG and her cabal of baby eating pedophile anti-vax murderers think they deserve, but obviously would be safer in your

Can we have an article about how subsidies that allow all these businesses and pro-Trump, anti-socialism farmers in the Midwest (cough! Iowa)(and all the other idiots) are a form of socialism? It would be really great to shove it in all the arrogant fear-eating bigots faces how they function only because of socialism

41 months is supposed to set an example?!?! These people all probably believe Trump will be POTUS again by that point and pardon them...

I mean... fucking duh... the world (except the people actually making decisions) is and should be cancelling gas...

Are recipients of agricultural subsidies “Socialist Conservatives?” I’m sure a bunch of them have a problem with “socialism” but no problem reaping the benefits of a socialist program... not to mention those in poverty in white-middle-America...

First of all, Dave Chappelle claiming to be a TERF does not mean he does not want trans people to be alive. That’s a ridiculous assumption. He has immense respect for all people and despite his earlier, raunchy, racy comedy, his recent serious and emotionally oriented public speaking (while yes, mainly directed toward

Let’s be real, GoT only screwed up 3 episodes (maybe 4 if you count the blackout effects during the battle of Winterfell, which I personally loved and thought totally added to the awesomeness of chaos) after 70 arguably awesome episodes. Let’s not give up the goodwill on just that. Those final 3 just weren’t cohesive

I kinda like the look of the Statue of Liberty solely resting on a star rising from the water... but yea, I guess BAD BAD BAD

apologies to anyone who might consider this comment shallow but Rebecca Ferguson has like the most superhuman, entrancing eyes ever. Like, ever...

Dear Suck I mean Zuck,

It’s really quite simple. Parents do have the right to not have their child wear a mask in school, but in order to do so they have the right to send that child to another school that doesn’t require them. Having the right to choose whether or not your child wears a mask doesn’t mean you also have the right to choose

usually have some issue with the way you present things, but this one... bravo

says the guy whose play buddies are the same age as Brittney Spear’s fans when she released Hit Me Baby One More Time...

Talk about selling toys, this seems like the best possible way to get boys to also buy the catwoman doll and girls to also buy the batman doll...

This call may be monitored for quality assurance... 

you left out Roman’s for the most accurate OT Obi Wan out there next to an all real parts which would require purchasing an actual rolls royce jet engine from the 40's...

Let’s be real. Trump probably charged the government (i.e. us...) for copies of his entire collection of books to be placed in facilities of all sorts, given the lack of other sales...