Obi wan coyote

I comprehended what you said just fine, assuming you meant what you said. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have contradicted you.

Also, having been an evangelical Christian... I remember a lot more “that’s a sin and should be punished” and “eww buttsecks” kind of talk, compared with the kind of things you’re suggesting.

Which problems are you talking about? Poverty? Teen pregnancy? Alcoholism? Crime? Bigotry? Droughts? War?

Going to once again reiterate, “Only someone who’s never experienced that kind of dehumanizing and constant hatred would ever say otherwise”. You have lived an incredibly sheltered life, you have no idea what it’s like to experience the kind of harassment that women and minorities go through on a daily basis, and you

Your right to have a nuclear family and raise your children with one man and one woman is not in question. When you decide that others have to live the way you choose to live, that’s when you’re just flat out wrong. If you don’t want to live an “alternative lifestyle”(whatever that means) then no one is forcing you,

“Bible Thumper” is “self-righteous” now? I bet you don’t even know what the word means without Googling it.

Except that when racists and misogynists drive women and minorities off of major social media platforms like Twitter, it’s equivalent to silencing them even if they still have the right to freely express the opinion that they deserve to be treated like human beings in the privacy of their own homes. The size of the

How so?

I’m saying, anybody who devotes a significant portion of their time campaigning to get some internet post to the top of a message board, is unquestionably a loser.

There are deplorable liberals, yes. Some well intentioned idiots. Others frothing at the mouth jerks just as bad as the worst alt-right neo-nazi.

Disagreeing with your views doesn’t really count as incapability of rational discourse. We could cite our sources all day and conservatives would still call us the crybabies for insisting on disagreeing with them.

Didn’t I say that no all of them were deplorable but many were?

That is a great sounding statement with no rationale.


May your life be a long and unfulfilling one.

The Donald isn’t the type of sub to posts actual hate speech, they’re the type who will gladly take the time to use our President’s “middle name” only to remind people that it’s “different” and call his affordable care act “Obamacare” rather than by its actual name. They’ll do this and post a photo-shopped picture of

God your such a tiresome twit.

Here’s the problem I have with this. People assume what they want is attention. It’s not.

But the thing is, at some point the refusal to censor becomes its own censorship. If I allow absolutely every single opinion, then at some point someone will claim that an unending torrent of abuse directed at every single person they don’t like is “an opinion”. And that drives off people they don’t like. It silences