Obi wan coyote

This is the BEST false equivalncey I’ve ever heard.

If I hate people who hate other people...I mean, yeah, I’m a bigot. But doesn’t seem more like the exception that proves the rule?

Ding ding ding.
I have a full-on Alex Jones loving, Rush listening, Trump worshipping co-worker.
He’s always trying to pick fights with me. He always walks away most disappointed when I don’t engage., or end with “Well, I disagree. But there’s not much sense in talking about it. Besides, this isn’t really appropriate

I’m tired of being told I’m responsible for the racism and hatred of millions of people I’ve never met before in my life.
They, and they alone, are responsible for their actions. Stop blaming anyone other than them.

If you believe in free expression, you should not value the act of silencing others as an equal act to expression.

Free expression isn’t an end to itself.


See? I’m free to do that all day long. But it’s not useful to anyone.
The point of free expression is to allow all ideas to reach the surface. To create an environment where folks won’t be inhibited to think odd things. The marketplace of ideas then sorts through

Stop with the false equivalance.
My values include inclusion, fairness, equal protection under the law.
If I disagree with someone who is attacking those values and if I find it hard to figure out a compromise-point between “gays are people and should have the same rights as other people” and “gays don’t deserve the

Do you not see the irony in what you just posted?
The sarcastic tone and all caps prove you’re not emotional at all.
And what exactly are the rational grounds for saying all liberals “get too emotional”?

It’s almost like you live in your own little world.

It was effective for about 5 days.

I love it when the people who START threads by being whiny almost instantly accuse others of being crybabies.

So... basically everything you read just proves that your opinions of the world are 100% correct.
You seem well-adjusted.

Matthew 10:35-37. Check it out!

I love when Trump supporters call other people bigots, as if they care about bigotry.

With all due respect (literally)...go fuck yourself.

Now, this is whereyou respond with how we should all be civil to each other...dude who voted for the guy who mocks the disabled and attacks the parents of dead soldiers.

Do you have any self-awareness?


I’ve been stuck in a spiral of comments on the internet for about an hour. And yours stood out as the most vapid thing I’ve read all day. Congrats?

I know far more people who think no one who disagreed with Obama was racist, than I know people who think everyone who disagreed with him was racist. And I have a lot more liberal friends.

You’re problem is when someone like me says Obama brought out the racists (because of shit like this:

That’s not even close to what the comment you’re responding to.

With all due respect (and I meant that literally)...go fuck yourself.

The confirmation bias is strong with this one.