Decent coffee is not $1 at the store, it is ~$10.
Decent coffee is not $1 at the store, it is ~$10.
In my opinion, the restaurant break-up is a manipulative way to try and force the other the other person to behave in a polite manner because you think they won’t make a scene in public.
Still no tabbed browsing in Windows Explorer. Ugh.
Sigh. Ok. Untreated pain, including pain that responds poorly to medication is an epidemic in the US and other countries. Opiates are an epidemic. We (chiros) compete with opiates. While not everyone on opiates is an addict, there’s a much bigger risk that they’ll develop an issue then there is that they’ll develop…
I simply keep my wallet in the front pocket of my jeans. Even the best pickpocket out there isn’t going to be able to bump and run me without having to wrestle his way down that deep front pocket first.
You might as well say that about any vaguely dangerous item and call it an argument.
How many times do you think someone like you has been like “I know, I’ll compare a gun to a car, that’ll show’em,” thinking in your arrogance that you, yourself, have finally figured out a logic bomb that will be the deathblow to the argument for stricter gun control? It has to be millions by now, right?
Sure. But what is the utility of owning a gun? We accept danger for rewards. Cars get you to work. Airplanes get you across oceans. But if guns are a hobby, you’re endangering both yourself and those close to you for a fun hobby. Pick up knitting or some shit, idk - at least go snowboarding and only endanger yourself.
I was glad that the article made some version of this argument about how she might feel given the statistical effects guns demonstrably have on gun-having households. If I were her, his gun ownership would be an issue for me, too. I’ve seen “nice” guys turn violent at the drop of a hat. In one particular instance, I’m…
Is there such a thing as a remote gun safe? If you like hunting, or maybe going to the range, is there a way to store them offsite (at the range?) or not in the home? I’m pretty antigun (I wouldn’t mind a repeal of the 2nd amendment) but I have also had fun at the range with a variety of weapons. But I also admittedly…
He should tell her that he had decided to sell his guns when Hillary was elected, but now he just can’t give them up while Trump is President, because, “The revolution baby!”
If you ever plan on living together she has a right to know they’re in the household.
Simply having a gun in your household drastically increases your odds and everyone in the household’s of dying at the receiving end of said gun, whether homicide, suicide or accident. You can blather on about responsibility, safety, etc... all you want but the facts don’t lie.
Why would this be a big secret two months into a relationship? I would assume you’ve discussed other hobbies and interests, right? If you own some heirloom firearms and enjoy spending time hunting or at the range, then don’t keep it a secret. It’s part of who you are. If she can’t accept it, move on. If it’s not that…
If you’re using a urinal, there’s a good chance a fine mist of your urine, and the water at the bottom of the urinal is coating your hands.
Well we have to be honest...this is a very biased view of the situation obviously... and honestly, from my (European) point of view I could also say “avoid Apple, it’s US American..that’s NSA spyware!” ...
and you guys are missing out on a great phone (I own the Huawei Mate 10 Pro - never had a better Android so…
Major change in sound, the bass is smudged.
Torch and Patrick crushin’ it. Maybe there are “better” choices, but this dude wants something weird, and judging by his car history, those two cars fit the bill (with his other must-haves) wonderfully. No additional community car suggestions needed.
Yeah, there’s a trio of banana slip-and-fall cases that are often taught in first year Torts class in law school. IT WAS AN EPIDEMIC!
Especially the piss bomb...when uncircumcised dudes would pinch their foreskin and piss into it, then splash it on an unsuspecting scout team scrub.