
A couple of things for Mr. Blue Collar.

Or you could try a taste of his ow medicine, start eyeing up men, even maybe drop a comment or two. That’s fairly aggressive, so only after trying The Discussion a few times maybe, as a last resort ?

It’s not quite the whole issue though:

For Dr Who Who, I think one of the episodes where they introduce a new companion. The Wedding, the hospital on the moon, the one in which the doctor messes up and comes back years later (there’s also an hospital ^^)

Is this horse battery stapler correct written sideways ?

2 things:

Dealbroken seems very clear about what he doesn’t want, and not very clear about what he wants. Unless he’s about 2 years old, he might want to work a bit on himself before venturing outside.

Dihydrogen monoxide does not need to be mixed/contaminated to be VERY deadly, and our politicians are doing NOTHING.

Why not be super-quirky and start not defining yourself by the things you own ? Get any old bland car, and do quirky stuff in your life ? I know, it’s easier the other way around....

Never do stuff you don’t want to, especially if it’s a visceral “I get crazy with fear” issue. It’s OK if your best friend has to find another friend for some stuff, it’s better than for you to ruin the day by having a breakdown in the middle of it, or for you to go through with it but be scarred for life.

Open up new bar and stick the old bar to it. That’s what I do.

Have 3 pots of money and 3 accounts:

But what’s the point of paying extra for a top-notch (ha !) screen if you then spoil it behind a screen protector ? Just buy a phone with an average screen to start with, it’s way cheaper and less risky.

I can’t get over how small that phone is, I’d be unable to get anything done on it, not even reading nor watching movies. And I really can’t get into iOS’s “sea of icons” that serves as a home page.

I sometimes get coffee At McD’s while waiting for a morning train. It’s.. less bad than the others from my train station, but, nope, it doesn’t satisfy. Maybe it’s a matter of taste, or maybe yours is better than mine.

We don’t have the same definition of decent. McD’s coffee isn’t offensive, so it’s better than... 80% of store coffees. But I wouldn’t call it good.

Why do you “feel normal” when you buy a coffee ? It makes me mostly feel dumb, because it’s overpriced and not as good as what I can make in about 30s work (and 4 min wait) in my $20 French Press at home. And I enjoy the (I think, truer) luxury of getting “expensive” good beans from the shop, that make my coffee all

There’s a difference though between buying $6 flowers once and $4 coffee every weekday. Over 10 years, a $7,996 difference (or thereabout).

Dang, you sound very down on chiropractors.

You can’t kill the girl for having the balls to own up to her mistake. She could have played dumb, hidden away, and not said anything.