
YES. Don’t say Bonjour to everyone you see, but do say it to everyone you talk to. That includes the hotel front desk, the cab driver, the baker, your server...

As a former Parisian:

My take: not this way, unless you want to make it about her being trans and jewish. I’m sure there are other things of note about her. first, how much you like her. Then why.

I’m doing worse: I used to forget stuff all the time. Now my keys are linked to my wallet. Last time I forgot it I spent a half day locked out with no cash, no cards, no ID. That was 12 years ago. Will never happen again.

Lots of things:

I think you missed the biggest difference: iOS locks you in to a single, luxury OEM.

Depends on whom I’m writing to. Seniors get letter-like texts with full words and correct grammar (as much as I can manage), an Hello and a Goodbye. The Young get whatever is understandable. Anyone higher than me on life’s ladder (older or a boss or a client) gets a proofread text. The others don’t.

I’m not sure that’s the whole picture. All things equal, those things would make the difference. But all things are not equal. The US kill a staggering amount of people both abroad and within the US; the US incarceration rate is over 5x that of “totalitarian” China, US murder rate is 4x, US literacy rate is probably

Cheaters are usually the most suspicious guys. So if US Intelligence is telling me that Chinese IT spies on behalf of the Chinese government, I’m taking it as, mostly, meaning US IT spies on behalf of the US government.

But doesn’t that change the sound ?

Interesting concept: what about teaching kids about alcohol ? before/after reasoning & reflex tests, trying to guess which drink is stronger, the calorie content, visiting a drunk tank and touring a week-end pub crawl...

I’m probably being a dick, but “in 5 years” dude is doing something I was doing a lot when I was his age (ie, not very attuned with nor frank about my feelings): rationalizing.

For friends and family (but not strangers), what I’ve done a few times when lending money (which selling a car by installments essentially is) is request all the checks in advance, and set the schedule on which I will cash them.

Once, my mom put a large oil pan outside on the ground to cool, and my dog drank more than 1 liter of cooking oil. The various oil-puke puddles made for 24h of home-made slapstick comedy. Raïou, you stupid dog !

because dual speaker when they’re 10cm apart don’t make much of a difference ?

The main reason to wait is not yet another unjustifiably overpriced flagship, but phone with native Android 8.1 Oreo. Those have been awfully slow to come out, and are the only one that make future OS updates much easier (phone released with not-Oreo and later updated to Oreo don’t offer that).

The one that made me switch to Firefox: on Android, Firefox accepts add-ons while Chrome doesn’t. Ad-blocking, night mode... are especially important on Mobile.

You’re lucky: I had a bump on my penis once, had to have that radioed. Nobody died of fright nor laughter, so my locker rooms observations have been corroborated: everyone has one and they all are broadly the same, and doctors (mine was a female) are professionals.

Are there cases of dogs not knowing it’s too cold for them ? Assuming the dog has the option to request getting back inside (ie isn’t =locked out + trained to stay out, or terminally trained to shut up), I’d trust the dog. I still remember my dog’s pouty face when he had to go in rainy weather.

Hot chocolate from a mix isn’t hot chocolate, like cake from a mix isn’t really a cake.