
Have a daughter too, and treat her well ?

My mom makes wine syrup, you drink it with water (1 part syrup, 7 parts water). Syrups are fairly popular in France as a kid drink, alongside soda, juice and milk). Wine is my favorite syrup, rich and complex taste, but any convenience store will have mint, strawberry, lemon, almond...

how come most of the replies to your article on browsers stand un-approved ?

briefly, and facing away from you ? With luck, the vomiting will only happen after you’ve passed it on ;-p And the crying !

1- Betas are ruled out, If you want me as a tester you should pay me.

Funny how my 2 main criteria are not even mentioned:

I’m not sure there’s a need to be mad at anyone. Someone things work out, sometimes they don’t, and it takes two.No fault on either side. I wish you better luck next time, you seem like a nice guy.

“Sofor compliant Susie to rack up her Fort Knox of Snickers bars while disruptive Timmy once again gets a tsk-tsk (or a punishment) seems counterproductive: Susie gets rewarded for what’s not that hard for her in the first place, and Timmy doesn’t get instruction and modeling on how to be a productive, respectful,

I’m the weenie. I can’t bear seeing open wounds/surgeries/blood; I empathize very well with psychological tension, and I jump at the smallest surprise. My favorite genre is light comedy à la 30Rock; I’ve not yet managed to finish Deliverance (too realistic), and I can’t watch the bad scenes of Alien/The Exorcist/...

I gave up on this, I’m using $200-ish phones, and when they die, they die, which happened to 2 of my last 7 phones (1 stolen, 1 drowned). I don’t need a luxury phone, nor insurance on top of their inflated prices.

I was nannying my 3.5yo nephew when he fell in slo-mo from his bike, and duly started crying. I went full rational on him, and asked if he was crying because he was hurt, or got frightened. “I got frightened” “Will a hug fix it ?” “Yes” “Let’s have a big hug then”.

“I am going to give you the only advice you need here: let it go.” 

Any advice for pick-up time ? *I* was traumatized when picking up my 3yo nephew: he saw me, shouted “NO !”, and pretended he hadn’t seen me ;-p Storytelling time >> Uncle Ollie ^^

The issue is not about banging though, but about banging and being friends but not in love, or not lovers or not... something.

One thing we’re looking into for my 12yo nephew is getting him a smartphone, but with no data contract. Those cost around $15/month, instead of $45+ for contracts with data. It’s a reasonable compromise, that I used myself in my twenties first on my Palm Pilot then on my smartphones when data contracts where

If you don’t need the pen, any phone will do.

I once worked for a large OEM with a large advertising budget. We got one bad review in a magazine. The offending journalist was barred from reviewing anymore of our products, by agreement between the magazine and us.

There are mostly 2 reasons to buy a premium phone these days:

I must be doing something wrong, bu I’m distinctly underwhelmed by mine:

I must be doing something wrong, bu I’m distinctly underwhelmed by mine:

I’ll be bland. My rules for successful meeting are: