
Whaaaaat ? No Send in the Clowns ? No Must be Crazy for Me ? no The Letting Go ?

I personally use an E.A.R. When E.A.R. no longer gets any input, it means the wash is done.

There seems to be the usual confusion between expensive, luxury, and quality in the replies.

I want pre-chewed widgets, if not a whole predigested Home screen, not a tool to build those.

So you’d rather eat cadaver, bacteria’d milk, and chicken unborn babies ?

That is... so Apple. I guess users were reading it wrong....

Yes. I think my preferred way to eat bread is with nothing on it... when it’s *good* bread, ie not only from a bakery, but the good stuff from a good one. I’m in France, of the 4 bakeries around me 2 make no good bread at all, 1 makes 1 good baguette (out of 5 variants they offer) the other 2-3 (out of 10, counting

I’ve got one piece of advice for you: just stop giving *any* unsolicited piece of advice.

Seconded. After spending a couple of hours online looking for a mount, I got that one for my sister about a year back. They love it, it’s simple, cheap and durable. Unless you need your vents or something more adjustable, you can’t go wrong with it. I just ordered a second one for my brother’s Mustang ^^

“them because they don’t understand hunting”... you mean it’s not the evil act of killing animals for fun ?

I also like the way it lets me clean up my fingers, and develops the muscles in my arm.

Listen Fives, a Ten is speaking: I fall asleep watching 30Rock. Good dreams and a pleasant disposition upon waking guaranteed.

I’ve just spent several hours looking into an OS for my NAS... and I’m goign with none of the above, but xpenology, which is the PC version of Synology’s DSM environment. It seem to be reliable and updated regularly, and supports a killer feature: Synology Hybrid Raid (SHR), which makes adding disks to a raid5 array

Galaxy S6 Active also has a 50% bigger battery than the regular S6. To me, that makes it a no-brainer choice.

One huge myth: only investment performance counts. This is extremely wrong:

He thinks you’re right. He feels much better since he’s started to think of himself as someone else. He gets weird looks, but that’s OK because you didn’t specify which 3rd person, so he found a lot of friends inside, and they all agree. They think that 3rd-person thing is not only great, it’s actually the True Way

I’m hosting my feeds on Feedly’s servers, and reading them mostly via Android’s GReader Pro app, which is very customizable; or directly via Feedly’s web client which is so-so.

I’ve just setup my tablet to be useful on its own next to my PC. No need for clunky screen casting, the tablet runs its own apps.

With how cheap and powerful smartphones and PCs are, there’s really no reason to not have a dedicated personal one, and to keep all your personal stuff exclusively on it.

That’s sad, and, above all, stupid. I’ve done recruiting for my IT firm: what counts is final diploma, personnality, and motivation. The sometimes convoluted paths people take to get where they end up are mostly irrelevant, and a winding/unconventional path might be an indicator of an ability to overcome adversity, a