
How about, reciprocally, a little truth in advetising: "Hey, our purely single-player game won't run unless you're on the 'net, and our servers will be crashing for weeks"; "hey, those graphics that made you buy the game, you understand they were just for the demo, right", "hey, play-testing takes too much time and

You can encrypt if you want, not via BSync but via a dedicated encryption program, or even Windows' (Linux's, MacOS's) built-in encryption.

My method involves putting chocolate in milk, a dash of sugar, a dash of cinnamon, then microwaving that. It takes all of 30s + 4min in the oven.

I'm dead serious. Some cables are good at conducting electricity, and others aren't. some of my $10 branded USB cable won't charge devices that a $2 noname cable will.

This. The great thing about BitTorrent Sync are:

Does it matter though ? Stars are a generational thing, most of ours will be forgottent before we (or they) are even dead. a handful will remain, like happened for the previous generation (HUGE stars of my parents have faded into irrelevance, and surprisingly, not-so-stars are now more famous)

also pay attention to the cable, I've got wildly varying results from different cables, price and brand NOT being a factor.

Why go though all that hooplah ? Some some milk, some real chocolate off a chocolate bar (or is it tablet?), the 70-85% cocoa ones are best, not too bitter but still a strong taste, especially the ones for cooking; add whatever you want for extra seasoning (cream, sugar, cinnamon, instant or liquid coffee, even pepper

BitTorrent Sync.

- battery life. When I need (use) my ohone most, it doesn't make it through a day

It's not so much the sex part (they'll work that out for themselves), as the social part. Make sure your kids know it's OK with you if they're gay, maybe not by telling them directly because the whole sex question can be awkward, but by not being a bigot or maybe discussing the issue in the abstract, informing how

Actually, thinking back on it, the reaction I liked most was "I don't care. You up for a movie ?"

Ask if they have a boyfriend/girlfriend right now ?

Yes, because bigots will then stay clear.

A few reasons:

and only one girl, herself OK with only one man...

Condoms are mostly about diseases, not just reproduction.

On many phones (all Samsung ones especially), TeamViewer Quick Support lets me remotely access my friends and family's phones, like Remote Desktop (or... TeamViewer again) does for Windows PC. That's full access from my PC, not just a handful of stuff like Zikk seems to do. And TeamViewer is free for personal use. My,