
Fun fact: the wheels on the Curiosity rover have tread patterns that spell out “JPL” in morse code. That’s right; JPL is monogramming Mars.

Her use of the word “roasting” confirms she’s a hyperbolic alarmist moron.

I always wonder what it’s like to go through the effort of getting a PhD in a scientific field so that commenters can write annoying things like

These beings are so much fun to play with. Basically delicious, everything wants to eat them and also very smart. If you ever get a chance to go tide pooling and grab one to interact, do it. It’s freaky, amazing, amaze-balls-amazing and will leave you wondering (which is the real win.)

Right? What’s the deal with this (science and) tech blog talking about trees? Trees aren’t technology, so therefore the audience here doesn’t need to know about trees.

Whatever. I mean, what have trees done for me lately? Nothing. I can tell you that. There is only one I know about that I can even hide behind. Fuck trees.

Fun facts: The Hydrogen nucleus consists of a single proton. Two such atoms repel each other due to the electrostatic force. If you slam them together hard enough to overcome this repulsion (high temperature) they get close enough for the strong nuclear force to lock them together forming the next heavier element,

I can see via the star distribution here that the Know-Nothings have decided to make an issue about this, but I just wanted to say that

First of all, ‘the best and the brightest’ is a pretty arbitrary metric. Secondly, people who come from different cultures think about the world in drastically different ways. There are so many psychological papers on this that it should just be common knowledge to anyone who has even the vaguest understanding of

To be fair, the traditional sanding methods would be god awfully boring, not to mention add days of effort on his part. It isn’t key to the forging process, which is what he is showcasing here.

How is that in any way a “car”? It’s just an airplane that “anyone” can fly. There is a long and sad history of people trying to make an everyman plane. Most notable was the 1940 Ercoupe, made by the Engineering and Research Company of Maryland. It was a spin-proof design with no rudder pedals; you sort of drove it

That’s really impressive. A 52 mechanical engineer/scientist. And just after that you tell me not to rely on authorities. Tell me, does your IQ of 142 extend to understanding cognitive dissonance? But since we’re whipping it out, I’ve been publishing professionally (that’s in peer-reviewed journals) on palaeontology,

Cultured meat has the potential to be far tastier than actual animal muscle tissue. After all, it’s a product specifically designed for consumption, not the side-product of a creature’s mobility rig. You can play around with the texture, chemical composition and shape to your heart’s content until you manage to come

I think it’s going to be baffling to people in a few hundred years that we weren’t repulsed by the idea of eating factory-farmed animal flesh, but were grossed out by this artificial meat.

Of course it wasn’t that tasty, someone burnt the shit out of it.