Thought of the time James May took a ride in Evans’ Ferrari...
Thought of the time James May took a ride in Evans’ Ferrari...
So is this him looking down in disappointment? Maybe that Nature didn’t take it’s course with the foolish spider hater? Or perhaps that the spider escaped the initial blaze, but was crushed in the frantic scramble of the extinguishing? At least he has that great lens flare.
I am deathly afraid of critters like this man.
Just out of spite I hope that loudspeaker is still standing, blaring out car commercials.
Having just 90 seconds to get your boilerplate platform out there and then actually addressing complex issues is nearly impossible.
I want to see this technology applied to house painting, window washing, some kind of bathing tool, maybe pet scratcher, eraser, perhaps a hair brush or comb of some sort...
They're using death wrong.