My old apartment building had one of these to open the parking garage when you drive up to exit. I remember jumping up and down on it to open the gate when I was exiting on foot.
My old apartment building had one of these to open the parking garage when you drive up to exit. I remember jumping up and down on it to open the gate when I was exiting on foot.
Waahh! This is double the price in Canada still! BOOOOO!
Waahh! This is double the price in Canada still! BOOOOO!
Came here to post this.
Depends on your reflux triggers. Coffee does nothing to my reflux.
Pretty much the same here. Had a core group of friends that I drifted away from over time, moved to a different area and settled in a job but I’m not really the kind of person to make friends outside of work. My spouse is my best friend and I’d rather just divide my time up between work, her and some alone time. I…
When I was a kid we had to hide our drug use in the woods or wait until dark. Damn spoiled kids these days!
Me too!
What’s a “Going” monitor?
What’s a “Going” monitor?
Especially when it involves children.
I once ate a piece of Pizza I found in my garage. I couldn’t remember when I had last ordered pizza, it microwaved pretty well still.
I also ate an oat fudge bar from Starbucks that I found in a bag under the seat of my car, it had been there for at least a month.
I am still alive as far as you know.
I doubt they’ll put him in general pop due to his high profile and risk. He’ll probably be alone in a cell for 23 hours a day with TV and internet.
I say give him his 5 minutes.
I was grinning like an idiot the whole time this was on. I don’t care if it’s a bit tame, cheesy or safely copying TNG. I miss the brightly lit optimistic future where there are potted plants on Starships. Since all the current sci-fi and fantasy shows are obsessively trying to out-grit each other we need a light and…
This is all very dependent on the individual personality of the person doing the binge-watching. I tend to overthink things and I’ve given up on a lot of weekly aired shows simply because I had the time inbetween episodes to rationalize myself out of enjoying it. Also, I’m a fan of re-watching my favourite shows, so…
You should also get a pump sprayer like this:
You should also get a pump sprayer like this:…
They’re working on it:
Do not buy memory foam if you like sleeping in a chilled bedroom. I keep my bedroom pretty cold even in winter and once memory foam gets even a little cold it turns into a brick until your body heat warms it back up. Super uncomfortable.
Do not buy memory foam if you like sleeping in a chilled bedroom. I keep my bedroom pretty cold even in winter and…
I had to scroll down and then back to that like 4 times before my brain would let my eyes look at it long enough to try and process a response. I have no words.
That’s adorable but you should not let your cat lick Icy hot. It’s high in phenol and will seriously damage his liver over time, leading to liver failure and an early death. Cat’s livers are much more fragile than people realize, they can’t process phenols which are found in most cosmetic products, essential oils and…
Earwax is high in cholesterol and cats identify the smell as a food source. If I’m not paying attention my cat will try to lick the inside of my ear canal to get at it.