The best part of the happy ending is that it was an intelligent, educated, compassionate Black man who came through with the solution and the skills.
The best part of the happy ending is that it was an intelligent, educated, compassionate Black man who came through with the solution and the skills.
There’s never a reason to tell journalists they can’t write something.
I mean, if aliens wanna come stick me in a kitschy hotel room and feed me soup until I turn into a giant star baby, it doesn’t sound worse than what we got now.
Same. I paid more to watch the fancy 70mm version of it at some classic New York movie theater during a vacation there and all I could think was “What the heck am I doing here?”.
You are not missing out. I’ve seen most of his films(which I regret) but after the Hateful 8, I’m done. It was one of the worst movies I’ve ever watched. Not because of his cinematic vision but because of his content. Even when making a film with a female protagonist, he finds a way to objectify and demean her.…
But without Spy Kids Tracker, I won’t know when the next Spy Kid’s movie comes out.
I respect this womans hustle. She is click bait incarnate and she is making bank of it now.
My vote? Time-traveling tourists. Sightings are increasing because we’re getting closer to WWIII, a popular destination in time for history buffs.
It is a $1000 device but we tend to think of them as $0 down and $20-30/month devices.
Because living in a brick McMansion 5-10 miles from anything of interest and the most culturally significant thing in the area being the first McDonalds in the metro suburban area sounds like actual hell to me.
That’s my secret, Cap. I’m always tired.
No real Engame spoilers below, but it references it in a way that’s only a spoiler if you know it’s a spoiler... so just move on if you’re worried.
No real Engame spoilers below, but it references it in a way that’s only a spoiler if you know it’s a spoiler... so…
When the 100 corporations who are responsible for 70% of the worlds pollution start caring, so will I.
I’m so glad I’m old and married, because these dating apps sound like a goddamn nightmare.
Idiots like you always come off like you’ve never read a fucking book. Myriad talented writers use profanity, it's not a crutch for inadequate writing. Fuck off you ignorant prude.
You sound like you’d be as much fun as a wet blanket.