
This would be great if my brain would even allow me to begin. My to-do list writing usually goes like this:

However DO NOT take Dramamine to counter the nausea and then watch Rugrats. I ended up paralyzed on the floor for 6 hours while simultaneously overheating and needing to be wrapped up in a blanket. Rugrats is a bad trip, man.

I put an SSD in my mid-2008 13 inch Unibody and it flies now! Totally worth it. You can get a pretty cheap smallish SSD for cheap now, and use that just for your OS, then get a larger conventional drive and swap out your optical drive for a second hard drive bay. It’s a relatively simple procedure.

Isn’t asking people to take sips of liquids they’re bringing across security lines customary to prove they’re not dangerous? I seem to recall the TSA doing this to a lady who brought bottled breastmilk on a plane. It’s a weird policy but not necessarily a malicious act.

But don’t use masking/painter’s tape for long term storage, after a few months the tape will start to get brittle and it will eventually degrade and leave behind a powdery residue. Better to use packing tape, clear duct tape or gorilla tape.

You’d think he would have straightened the velcro on his vest before going out. Just sayin’...

If anything it’s paraphrasing but the cadence and undertones are disturbingly similar.

I just line up a row of espresso cups each with a single ice cube so I can pound back several before I have to go out into the world.
Back in the day I worked at Starbucks for 5 years and this was how I got through the shift.

My parents didn’t give me an ‘allowance’, instead they paid me for non-standard house chores like deep cleaning the car or washing the outside windows. They’d also pay me by the weeds I pulled from the lawns and if I got good grades.

Seriously, if his wife and he earned roughly $60-$70,000/year each as he claims then combined they make at LEAST $120,000/yr. No wonder they were able to pay everything off and buy a house/save money.

All those other suggestions are peanuts compared to their family earnings which he glosses over pretty readily. Talk

What a time to be alive!

What a time to be alive!

This is my favourite article of the day. Thank you for this.


Except it had a happy ending


Seriously, we got our first (and probably only) snow for the season here in Vancouver today and all along my route to work was a warzone of fender-benders and skidded out buses.

I love it, someone 3D print a mockup and run it through a wind-tunnel.

Yeah... this technique would not work in my office of overly verbose artists.

Came here for this, was not disappointed.

“Parochial” Thank you for teaching me a new word today!