Why the fuck is this on Kotaku?
Why the fuck is this on Kotaku?
Can’t watch video, are tonsil stones mentioned? These can be a super pain, and there’s no easy way to make them go away.
Yesterday was Father’s Day, and what better day to launch the inaugural episode of a series about connecting with my…
Star Wars’ extended universe might have an answer for the fate of Luke Skywalker’s lost hand after the events of The…
Unrealistic, that Stormtrooper shot at people and hit them.
So is terrible voice acting part of MGS’s appeal?
Meanwhile, the prices are still awesome so who gives a shit? I am kind of tired of other Steam fans bitching about prices when the prices are still excellent.
i wanna friend him and then msg him this: “Do you even life bro?”
Am I the only one that doesn’t care about the Steam level?
Players have to work together to save their world...
even core minecraft hasn’t changed much
Time to buy Carmageddon Reincarnation to see if it runs well on my PC. If not... return :) been hearing how poorly optimized that game was and wanted to try for myself if any different on my PC.
Exactly. People are taking advantage of a method to not be locked into a regrettable purchase.
Jim Bob is asking Jesus for advice right now, and Jesus is all
“died by suicide” has to be one of the sloppiest phrases I’ve heard in awhile. You commit suicide or you kill yourself. Suicide is a motive, not a method.
Sir, if I could add a slow clap gif on my mobile (easily) I most certainly would for you.
Well wouldja lookit that. Turns out graphics aren’t as important as gameplay. Strange times.
Some more gameplay footage!
Have you shopped for legos lately? That shit is expensive.
Tokyo Disneyland