
I remember booting up Half-Life for the first time 20 years ago, seeing the whole tram intro section and being absolutely blown away.

Now, when I see the section recreated in Black Mesa, here in Project Lambda, or in other fan recreations all I can think is...who the ever loving fuck decided the best possible way to

I don’t get the obsession with Fortnight. I mean it’s fun for a while but playing the same match over and over gets old for me quick.

On a completely unrelated sidenote: He looks fucking badass without the wig and shades. Seriously. Damn.

I think they’re just preying on the stereotype. I’ve been an avid gamer for years, and if I’m eating while playing, it’s most definitely something that requires a fork. And Mountain Dew is disgusting.

Food and electronics do not go together people. Eat your food, wash your hands, then play your gadgets. Stop being filthy.

One of the best things about being in my 40s is having no clue who these people are.

Love your glib reaction. I must have missed the part where you promised this was brand new content you made yourself. STOLEN!!!

Here’s a link to the speech

This sounds...pretty lousy actually.

that lumbermill gif is simultaneously horrifying and hilarious. 

Maybe stop dickin’ around and go all out.  

I have one that looks very much like the one on the left, and I rarely go above 60. Two 120mm above heatsink draw cool air in, one one the heatsink pulls it through, and then another 120 on the side of the case to take the heat out.

Dude cmon. you just spoiled the epic emotional ending.

Unpopular Opinion: If the game is shit, people aren’t going to spend good money on it. If you want people to buy your games instead of pirating it, make them good games. That way, you don’t have to add in DRM.


... ... ...I believe you forgot someone... ... ...

Ravenholm was terrifying the first time for me. Now I look foreword to it. Just carry around a saw, mince them enemies. Still poison zombies take two saws I think.

Vatican City

People don’t tacitly sign a waiver agreeing to have their image, goings-on, and physical location splashed all over the internet just because they dared to leave the house.

Your piece on Haiti is laughable at best. White people have nothing to do with the state of Haiti. In fact, it’s mostly white people who are Christians that have been flooding that country the past several years giving of themselves and resources to make life a better place to live for the Haitian people.

Blacks had 200 wypipo-free years to get their shit together in Haiti.  The absence of whites should have been a blessing to them. Instead all it proves is that blacks are completely incapable of upholding white standards of civilization in the absence of whites, and instead inevitably revert to the “African mean”.