
What, she has one every nine months?

Witcher 3; completely broken and looks like every other fantasy open world game... not sure why anyone pays attention to this.

All of these posters look terrible.

No. She took the kids, too.

I traded people for them

DAMN IT. I want pizza now and there is none to be had.

One of my favorite quests was Agatha’s Song. Receiving the radio frequency of the violin music was one of the most rewarding things I did in this game.

I think the most objectionable animal hijinks came in the form of the “Cat Silencer” in Postal 2, so disturbing and yet so hilarious at the same time :-P

For a guy who’s 71, has a net worth of 65 million dollars, was making an estimated 300,000 dollars an episode, quitting over back-ends and merch is pretty goddamn silly. How much money does one really need? Especially for a voice actor. At one point, I think the simpsons (Which I love to this day, There might not be

Cat-owners’ lives do not necessarily revolve around cats, just like any other pet owner’s life does not necessarily revolve around their pet or the kind of pet they chose to live with.

That had to be the best line in any of the movies...

It would be amazing if you play as Alyx and just never stop talking through the entire game.

This game never grabbed me. So after everybody telling me I had to play, I grabbed it on XBL. Still didn’t grab me. It’s a shame, since it’s so loved

Non-Imperial? REBEL SCUM!

I did enjoy reading this one

This may be the best article I’ve ever read