
Obviously it was the worst Batman movie though. But as a teen I liked it and watched it often. Even the original 60s Batman movie was better.

I love the irony of people talking about how much of a ***hole someone is for having an opinion on a show that’s made for and run by ***holes. The View is a crap show so if you watch it, your crap to and I don’t respect you. Why? Because the show is basically just a drama where they bully people. Its the exact kind of

Ugh, millennials. Hate bullies but don’t realize they are bullies also. >.>

I really hope this is just a New York yuppie thing and not a general thing people across the country do of thinking badly about “diversity” in school. I know racism exists but this video just makes me want to back out of the room slowly. Granted I am a poor white married man who lives at home and in a city that is not

I had over 2000 hours on Fallout 3 for PC. Had about 1600 for Borderlands. Many of my games I get over 1,000 hours when they are open world RPG type games.

Or you can borrow new movies on Bluray from your library for free. Which is why I laugh at anyone who uses streaming services or rental services. I’m always renting Blurays from my library and they are 99% of the time in perfect condition. And free. And if my library doesn’t have the movie I want it is connected to a

Wow! I wondered where he was. I don’t keep up on social media so I must have missed what was going on. Mikes my fav writer on Kotaku (then Tim Rogers), sorry other writers lol. I’m happy to hear Mikes pulling through. We miss you Mike, speedy recovery! I got no good things to snack on since you been gone! Need a

“A lazy joke about mental illness!”. Ugh, get over it PC generation. Millenial snowflakes are offended by everything. Insane fits the trait perfectly and the people whining about it.

I guess you lack empathy for her. Maybe shes stuck with him. God knows what kind of weird plans he has told her he will do if she left him. Just like many abused wives, they stick with the guy because they feel scared to leave. Also Trump stripping native americans? So he’s only targeting them? I see you’re

Talk about a sad desperate article writer. Your rage boner for Trump is beyond obvious. I hate him to but some people post anything without thinking how dumb it makes them look. Trump was at Billy Grahams funeral. He was even honored and all that stuff. I don’t recall seeing the Clintons or Obamas at that. Hmm.

Talk about a sad desperate article writer. Your rage boner for Trump is beyond obvious. I hate him to but some people post anything without thinking how dumb it makes them look. Trump was at Billy Grahams funeral. He was even honored and all that stuff. I don’t recall seeing the Clintons or Obamas at that. Hmm.

Talk about a sad desperate article writer. Your rage boner for Trump is beyond obvious. I hate him to but some people post anything without thinking how dumb it makes them look. Trump was at Billy Grahams funeral. He was even honored and all that stuff. I don’t recall seeing the Clintons or Obamas at that. Hmm.

I just happened to catch his video from 3 weeks ago on youtube yesterday. :(

Guns aren’t the issue. Our culture is the issue. Sweden has some very interesting gun laws and most everyone there owns a gun and yet there are no school shootings. And when you take away guns, kids will just use other things like knives, bombs, chemicals, cars...etc. Someone who wants to kill people will do so no

This will improve my massive island(s) a ton in game.

If I learned one thing from travelling its that people from said city your going to often over inflate how amazing said city is. My first time travelling overseas to Manila I was told all sorts of “amazing” things. “Its funner in the Philippines!” or “Filipinos are the nicest people in the world!” among other things.

.This man is obviously not a gamer as a gamer would have known to use an actual disguise. In the Hitman games I never recall Agent 47 putting on a plastic bag helmet to disguise himself. Hmm...

This is why I can’t get into PUBG type games. I keep wanting them to be like Hunger Games where its not just the players that can kill you. I want traps throughout the map too. Like maybe sometimes there are “crates” you can open but it comes with a chance of something bad happening. Like it explodes. Or maybe it

I said from the early talks of Mafia III that it seemed like a crap concept. When people hear mafia, they tend to think the stereotypical “historical” italian mafia. The great (well so to speak) gangsters of the time. The tommy guns. The pecking order. Horse heads. The interesting cars of the time. So on and so forth.

Kong Gate? Water Kong? Donkey Gate?