
Thanks for reopening the wounds!!! (cries)

Black people... >.>

Song sounds fine.

So we were never supposed to blow in the cartridges but instead snort them. Hmm...

What about disabled people who can’t work because of an impairment that affect them most of the month?

I’d love to see a AnyK Unreal update for the original games story.

This article and the responses are a good example of why people see the far left as crazy people who act like children and are offensive. Way to prove the point. Sounds like a bunch of 10 year olds in a school yard. ^_^

I feel bad for all the people freaking out about this thing with Facebook.

They are so paranoid and mad over something that is not a big deal. People are acting like Facebook is this new thing that looks at your data. Apparently people forgot EVERYTHING online has your data. And MANY companies will sell it anyways

Nothing wrong with Apu. If your gong to whine about stereotypes then might as well cancel the whole show given most everyone on the show is a stereotype of something. Heck look Chief Wigum is a cop who looks like a pig and loves donuts. Am I saying we should stereotype? No. But its stupid to act like the shows is

. Never seen the big deal with the logo. How can a face be offensive? I mean if they were called “The Cleveland Scalpers” that would be offensive. But its just a picture. And I realize some will point out its the characterization of Wahoo which is sort of like what we did during WW2 with the japenese. But that was one

Being a christian I have found many other christians are offended by this game thinking its attacking christianity. But its not. Maybe we can all agree these cult people aren’t “real christians” but it doesn’t change the fact that there are cults that really do use “christian” as their “religion”. I don’t see this as

They should release it as a separate game, I’d pay for it. I don’t want FC5 though. Just the editor and MP fun.

So as much as blacks say whites don’t see it from “their view”, can blacks accept maybe they also don’t see it from a white persons view?

I am a biracial male and in some of these cases the person was killed wrongly. BUT... in other cases I see the person was given plenty of orders and time to listen, but refused and

Amazing how monstrous liberals are. They used to love Rudy, but now they hate him “just because”.

Weren’t the Badgers in Farcry 4 the same way? OP at first?

You know what kills more kids then school shooters? When they text and drive. Drugs and drinking also kill them. And maybe the biggest, kids committing suicide from bullies at school. More kids die a year from those things then all mass school shooting combined. And yet kids do not protest to stop texting and driving,

Two things:

1. I like how they gave him like 2 whole seconds to drop his supposed gun. >.>

2. Why do they empty two clips into someone and always yell “Show me your hands!”. Um, do they not realize what multiple bullets do to someone and why said, now dead person, cannot raise their hands?

As a Christian (boo and hiss away) some of my fellow Christian gamer friends are boycotting the game because it uses Christianity in a evil way. I annoyed them by telling them I bought the game. They thought I was against God by doing so but I told them ignorant Christians are what makes us ALL look bad. Extremist

When they were running in circles all I was seeing is the “Mine, Mine, Mine!” Battlefield video from long ago.

Not sure why so many hated TL. I was a hardcore Tron fan and thought TL was even better or at the least equal to Tron. Some of the gripes I seen had to do with “unrealistic” things that didn’t make sense. Which is ironic given its a fantasy movie thats not “realistic” really. I’d love to see a third Tron but not sure

I didn’t know anyone actually used Linkdln.