
I don’t recommend overclocking. I mean if you want more power just go buy a better part. Overclocking can have issues including frying parts. Not to mention it voids warranties. I buy my stuff from a MASSIVE PC geek store in the area and they offer 4-5 year plans. And they always come in handy when something stops

Man, this means I’ll probably have a seizure too. I don’t have epilepsy but I’ve had four grand mal seizures years a decade ago. Mine was caused by strobing/flashing. I wonder if what refresh rate of the Vive is. Because of its not at least 80, I can feel like I could have one. Maybe thats why he had one? So much for

Try the other new ones, the hazelnut ones. I’m curious if its basically like eating Nutella but with an oreo cookie.

You keep being you Japan. It never gets old.

Huh? What does control have to do with anything? Lay off the crack.

Some people who don’t like the show are like the idiots on the shows Facebook page. They claim the show sucks, they make all sorts of claims, even say things like “I’ll never watch this ***** show again!”. And yet they STILL watch it every week and are STILL on the FB page complaining. A few of the people that

Never had this issue really. Granted there are four of us in this house and we fill up the racks up top with many plastic containers. We lean them on each other to fit more in. Problem is there is ALWAYS soap scum on them. And some other things, but plastic seems to be a soap scum magnet. We only use the 2-in-1 pod

Run outside fast, pull down your pants and bend over with your butt facing the explosion and use your hands to make your butt talk and say “NOTICE ME SENPAI!”. Then enjoy your tan... or ash pile.

While its obvious he has racial issues, one thing does bug me. Why do blacks say you can still be racist and have a black girlfriend/wife? I mean I suppose its possible if the woman was blind to your racism.

I had some blacks call me racist just because I disagreed with black lives matter. Despite the fact I nearly

Yeah, sometimes natural death you can just tell is going to be agonizing for them. Especially at that age. The male cat first started to limp his back leg sometimes. Then it stopped working a bit. Then a day later the other leg started doing it. By the next morning he kept falling over as he walked every few seconds.

Yeah I never want to look our new cats in the eyes when its time. Sadly the cat that we had put to put to sleep probablywould have gotten to age 23+ we think, just like the other cat we had at the same time. But since she had a cancerous tumor on her chest we had no choice but to put her to sleep.

She was so confused

I never played Sim City how it was meant to be played. Because most cities look crappy when you follow the silly rules to make everything “work” right. I just liked designing beautiful cities. I had to use cheats of course so some things wouldn’t mess things up.

Is that anything like when a animal dies? When I had to put my 19 year old cat to sleep at the vets, they told me to look into her eyes so she felt calmer. I remember the needle going into her and just as the finished pushing the stuff in, her eyes stopped instantly movie, pupils froze and eyes glazed over. I have

Yep, gotta buy a useless currency. “Why is it useless, its worth alot of money!” you say. Sure, if something accepts bitcoin as payment then its worth alot. But if you want to actually turn that bitcoin into actual cash or transfer it to your bank.... good luck with that. From what I seen trying to turn it into real

Um, I see kids wearing Nikes. I see kids with laptops. I see adults with IPhones. And yet they can’t afford seeing a movie? Right...

Problem is you ruined all that work by adding Windows 10. Ugh. Good look get annoyed daily at all the annoying changes from Win 7 to Win 10.Such as the forced updates, totally new menus and other stupid features that make things complicated. Also, many games that worked on Win 7 no longer work on Win 10. In short,

What ALMOST made me pick the wrong one was on the right, near the torso, the leather has creases and what not, where as the one on the left does not. So I figured the right one was real. BUT... then I noticed theres a skin crease in her arm pit on the left one, which I don’t think anyone would know to do. So figured

Growing up my parents knew a couple that had adopted special needs twins. They were always cleaning/replacing video game systems. The NES tended to have PB&J or Grilled Cheese sandwiches shoved in it. The VCR had pizza slices put in it. The SNES when it came out, they would put things like Jello or Mac and Cheese with

Jezzy hypocrites. Years ago you praised her for being a powerful woman, but now that her dad became president, suddenly you hate her. Typical women so eager to backstab each other and turn.

Alot of this really comes down to what you like to do in your browser. For the things I do, Chrome is better. It also has alot to do with add-ons/extensions. The more you have, the more RAM gets used with either browser. They still equally use the same amount of ram when I tested FF against Chrome.