
For those saying FF uses less memory. Nope. I installed the same add ons and opened the same amount of pages I had opened in Chrome and despite not having 4 of the addons I have form Chrome, FF actually uses the same amount of RAM.

Meh. Every year the two outdo the other and release the “best browser”. By 2019 Chrome will come out with a faster, less RAM using version too. And so on and so forth. I used to use IE WAYYYY back in the 90s. Then I switched to some better browsers at the time. I then went to Firefox, once it slowed down to a crawl I

For such a simply looking game it blows my mind what people have created in it. And unlike Minecraft, theres no “cheating” to build what you want. By that I mean people always posted “amazing creations” in MC that were actually made in some outside program then imported into the game. Which is stupid and not “amazing”

Most nerve-wracking moment when building a PC? Turning it on. I swear my heart beats out of my chest and a cold sweat starts. Its pure panic and anxiety for me. And it doesn’t stop once you hit the button. You watch as the lights (on my Gigabyte MOBO as least) each turn on listing whats being turned on, MOBO,

I never had an issue with the PINs for power and what not. Each pin set is marked what goes where. And my case came with the cords installed so I can easily see what the led to (power button...etc).

My biggest issue is installing processors. Last time I had one I had to put in a PC it was almost 2 decades ago. I had

My hell lasted for 3 weeks as I couldn’t get my PC to work boot up. Turns out that my MOBO died. Replaced that with a newer version (harddrive accepted it, no reformat needed). But things still didn’t work right. Replaced power supply, then video card....etc. Problem kept happening. Turns out it was my RAM. Despite

I cheated in FTL. By cheated I mean I modded it so the game didn’t end and you could go on and on and on and on. Much funner like that. I also added mods that added new ships like the Millnium Falcon and other sci-fi related ships.

I lean right, not alt0right though. I had no issue with the Punisher. The show was amazing, looking forward to season 2.

You sound mad bro.

Best part about this article is the writer and commentators. Still have so much hate for him that they even critique what he eats. Some very sad people who should probably get a hobby. I’m over being mad at Trump, I got better things to do than spend day after day talking about him and worrying about what he eats,

I hate to be “that guy” but this sounds like an article written by a snowflake millennial. Does what you see on your newsfeed really drive you that nuts? Some people take the newsfeed way to personally. Heck my own mother is always arguing with people who have differing opinions or let’s say post to many selfies. WHO

I’d like to see an article on how winter salt and car washes work and if leftover salt residue gets passed onto other cars...etc. That would be interesting.

Sounds like paranoia. I’m almost 40 and while I do not drive myself (disabled), my parents have had a few cars over the years and never had an issue with damage from a car wash. Come to think of it I can’t think of anyone ever saying they have had damage (scatches) from car washes.

Now to be fair maybe this all

Is that a addon pack for NMS in the picture at the top?Looks super high red and amazing! Mine doesn’t look like that and I am pretty much maxed out settings wise. :( Course I am only playing on a 27 inch screen.

As a guy I always thought the bra looked weird. Like a guy designed the bra for the model.

Ugh, my mom drives (I can’t drive, disabled) horribly. Shes bad enough during the summer when she tails people, honks at everyone, flips people off, speeds and passes people in no passing zones.....

But when winter comes shes even worse! Shes more aggressive of a driver. She tails people closer and yells in the car


To “sort of” quote the Joker:

To “sort of” quote the Joker:

Wow talk about a big deal over nothing. Lets talk about somethings:

1. Cameltoes exist. Even if you don’t want them to they do. Just go to a beach or a pool and many will be seen. Its not something women do on purpose.

2. Who cares, its a game. People are fine with raunchy sex and nudity in games but freak out over a