Really? Hmm. Maybe I’ll try the games again. I also didn’t play them because of the sex scenes. My wife freaks out about seeing nudity in a game. Though seems fine with it in movies. Ugh.
Really? Hmm. Maybe I’ll try the games again. I also didn’t play them because of the sex scenes. My wife freaks out about seeing nudity in a game. Though seems fine with it in movies. Ugh.
Smell a digital currency that will never take off that people will pay for because they are dumb.
#1, sell drugs or your body. Problem solved.
When we took a flight a about 5 years ago we got pulled out of line because we had two “dangerous” prohibited objects. Mind you at this time we hadn’t taken a flight since the late 90s. We assumed these things would be fine.
1. Tiny fold up scissors:
I actually own that initially pictured hand blade. And I also own that comb knife. Both are sharp. Though I’m not sure why anyone would put it in their luggage. Thats just stupid. Mail it if you need it where ever its going.
I’ll be “that guy” and say I didn’t get what the big deal was about the game. Mind you I never played these sort of “games”. But my friend (whos heavily into asian games) told me this is one that would really would be great for me to try. He didn’t tell me anything really aside from it wouldn’t be what I was thinking.
Am I the only person who hates the games? Couldn’t get into them. I’m not PC (the view, not the tech) but I imagine PC people would freak out about this show given its pretty.... “interesting” themes.
You talk about the loyalty of whites as if its a bad thing to be loyal and yet blacks are loyal to the democratic party and BLM. Odd. Side note, most blacks don’t support BLM. Though since this is the Root, the people here do of course. Me? I have a blue light on my house and the blue striped flag showing on my car.…
As soon as I read the headlines I just pictured a typical CSGO defusal match. Someone obviously called this is in to be funny given what was going on. And it worked none the less, got a laugh out of me.
Post of the year for sure. I now have a new hobby.
Blacks are to dumb realize the democratic party doesn’t care about them. They are simply numbers to them. Notice how the democratic party hasn’t really done much to help blacks? Heck the planned parenthood thing was made by democrats. Part of its reason for its existence was to get blacks to have abortions so there wer…
Chloroform.... ‘nuff said.
Myth 11:
Its ok to disagree with your gf/fiancee/wife whos having her period.
No.... all lies. Just say “Yes dear!” to anything she says during that time or you risk your life. Matter of fact just rent a hotel room until its over. Then bring her flowers and chocolate after since she will listen to your apology better.
While I won’t say my age, I’ll just say I’m close to 40. And I don’t play games on hard modes anymore, not even medium. I play on easy always. For one it seems more realistic, enemies die in one or two shots instead of 10. Granted it makes you more god like. The biggest thing though is I play easy because I don’t want…
I have AT&T and its really the only good and reliable ISP around where I live. Mind you I live right next to a major city. I can’t switch even if I wanted to. If they decide to ban me from going to Google (since AT&t owns Yahoo), I don’t know what I do. My spam email address I use on Yahoo. But my VERY important email…
I really wish I could afford a VPN. Now I know what your thinking, “Um, its as cheap as $5 a month man!”. And that is cheap. But got so much going on in my life that I can’t even Netflix now. Had to cut it out. Cut cable years ago and now just have an antenna. To bad there isn’t a free VPN, though I imagine the price…
My wife only plays ONE way. BY creating nothing but two letter words so that there are no real way to create any other words. Its annoying its usually she always wins.
Special snowflake needs a safe place. Get over it dude. Every ethnicity has stereotypes. Being my ethnicity, I hear TONS of stuff that I could get annoyed at but don’t. Instead I just laugh it off. Stereotypes may be wrong but they only exist because some part of them, even if something small, is true.
Special snowflake needs a safe place. Get over it dude. Every ethnicity has stereotypes. Being my ethnicity, I hear TONS of stuff that I could get annoyed at but don’t. Instead I just laugh it off. Stereotypes may be wrong but they only exist because some part of them, even if something small, is true.
Question is when do draw the line between which hunt and truth? Theres no doubt MANY women (and men) have been sexually assaulted and thankfully are speaking out about it. But this also means there may be a few who will use this time to lie about someone just to destroy their lives and get them fired.
For example the…