
Yet another reason to hate Illinois Nazis.

It’s so odd that conservative places like NC, GA, and TX that hate regulations and love private property and personal freedom fume about the government but are happy to submit to the absurd and arbitrary authority of an HOA.

The worst part of this experience is that there’s now incontrovertible video proof that he attended an O’s game.

I was thinking John Oliver as Mr Bentley.

Lobo... Lobo... bring back Sheriff Lobo!

fwiw, the question-asker said “I want to grab my neighbor’s wifi (for which I have permission and the password)“

After UCF got eliminated I thought I’d never see another taco fall.

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

yeah well, at least these Jet updates won’t kill anybody

The New York Roughriders

“Mea kulpa.”

“This Is The Face Of A Man Getting Pulled . . .

And Michigan State certainly deserves credit

Happy Duke Schadenfreude Day, everybody!

There is no way Jizyah Shorts doesn’t win this.

“A three-hour bus ride to Sarasota,” “stuck on an airport tarmac indefinitely due to a mechanical problem,” “dreary-ass Syracuse, ... 27 degrees Fahrenheit,” “Washington, DC,” and “the New York Mets” are Cantos III, IV, VI, XII, and XVII of Dante’s Inferno.

Oooh wah wah, poor millionaire Noah Syndergaard has to spend a day in lousy Syracuse. Whatever, at least he still gets to play in the big leagues with... 

She’s just trying to Kerber her enthusiasm....

From the Bill Belichick School of Perfunctory Handshakes While Barely Making Eye Contact

So unlike a German to get angry over not finishing someone off.