Drumpf is Cartman, Cartman is Drumpf.
Drumpf is Cartman, Cartman is Drumpf.
Saban wasn’t such a badass when he was here in East Lansing.
It’s pro basketball and SAS, so who gives a shit on two levels.
I know it will be here somewhere.....
Not sure, but since the end zones are as big as a trucker’s ass, in Mooseville, helmet to helmet hits are probably legal, too.
Praying for the trifecta....Berman, Vitale, Walton.
My God. That baby is handicapped,too?
“I don’t give a fuck....I don’t give a shit!!”
The best thing JoPa did was die. I hope it was slow and painful. His dying moments filled with the screams of the young boys he condemned to sexual abuse. May he burn in hell for eternity.
Why, Oh Why didn’t he listen to Uncle Chris and Uncle Warren?
I was going to try and come up with something on this, but you have climbed the summit and planted the flag.
What? 8-8. You want to make Drumpf into the Detroit Lions?
This Amy Schumer fat shaming has really gotten out of hand.
I salute you, sir.
Yesum, caus its Merica.