Looked like a family member to me.
Looked like a family member to me.
If this list was an abandoned house, Detroit would burn it down.
That video syncs perfectly with Jeb Bush’s run for the White House.
Donald Drumpf’s #1 Fan
If the story is clear, it was 100-100 in the 4th OT, right? If this is correct, why would the team that lost be trying to trap? The attempt to take away the return pass to the inbounder (#10 dark) is the key. This mistake in the trap allowed the eventual shooter (#5 white) to get a good running start on the opposite…
They called a “T” on the man for that hanging on for dear life after the dunk???? What the hell!!!! They should give than little man a medal for that throwdown.
Manning’s Monday FedEx envelope contains more HGH (for his wife, of course).
Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen both just got aroused when they heard this.
The plug makes perfect sense, word is that Bud is great for washing down all that HGH.
Vitale is the reason why the mute button was invented. The man could ruin the game of the century. He makes Walton sound almost tolerable.
At 48 years old, I am now the best basketball player in Georgia.
This looks like the Wicked Witch stole 15 children and was holding them hostage.
Birmingham, MI.....
A Day That Will Live in Detroit Lions Infamy (and that is really saying something) ...
Yes, they will be filing for bankruptcy any day now. An individual Target store must pull in close to a million dollars a day during the season with the company earning a net income of over $3 Billion, and they should be worried about a loss on a $400 return?
Except America