O Yeller Kinja

Fox News also condemned Nigel Farage’s comments on consigning non natives in the UK to camps. However they continue to keep him on and pay him.

The same Geraldo Rivera who was thrown out of Iraq by the US Army for revealing troop movements on tv?

I say we do what we did with the crack epidemic: criminalize the fuck out of it and raise the penalties for getting caught with opioids to a mandatory 25 years....wait, it’s hurting mostly white people in the Midwest, shit, it’s a public health crisis then

I’m traveling by car for Christmas, so I have one thing to say to all you air travelers:

Can we focus on the whole “button his desk that locked his door” thing? Because that’s not exactly a standard office feature. People had to have known about that specific piece of things, and holy shit would that make me awful suspicious of anyone who asked for that to be installed.

On the bright side, the job market is finally opening up for millennials!

By way of comparison, NBC only let one employee go today.

The DC movies look like what would happen if you gave a film school student a Marvel budget. Specifically a ‘C’ student, just to clarify. ;)

Suicide squad broke it’s own internal logic by the minute. Like, the first time they were brought out to fight, and the police are being swarmed by the zombie things, you see the police guns have zero effect. Seconds later, the Suicide Squad joins in and...guns and bats start working. Why? Reasons? It was just hurting

Or WB could have just released the movie in Movember!

“Tell me, do you shave?”

That’s what’s so weird about the DC movies. These are huge franchise tent poles that can define a studio for years, and they’re ridiculously slipshod. How are you throwing together a $400 million Justice League movie like it’s a pick-up football game?

Now playing

Vimeo got you. I actually saw it yesterday after another article about it being taken down. Streisand Effect in action.

Now I want to watch this stupid sketch, but I can’t. I can’t find a video of it anywhere. Now, in my imagination, it’s the funniest sketch in the world, but I’ll never get to see it! It’s like...it’s like when you find one of those 30 second porn clips, and you’re like, “This is the hottest shit ever! O-oh my god, if

It’s hard for her to have influence while she’s got Donald’s tongue in her mouth

Too true. I had to correct someone who pulled out the old “Obama sicced the IRS on the tea party” chestnut this weekend. When asked where I got my obviously false evidence I got to tell them “Trump’s Treasury Department” and watch their mind crack a little more.

“I will have you know these ain’t my pants.”

The video of the meeting is awesome. The reporter basically tells her “We know you’re bullshit and we’re running with the story that you’re bullshit.” The wanna-be-trickster at that point looks like she shit her pants.

My favorite Trump is the one who had the good sense to drink himself to death almost 40 years ago.

The sequel should remain dead. World War Z would work better on a platform like Netflix in a more mini-series form, told in separate arcs instead of as one continuous Brad Pitt led story.