At least with Spicer his sweaty bumbling made it clear how much he was lying, just as Kellyanne decays more with every lie she tells as what’s left of her soul escapes. Sanders is frightening with her “jus’ folks” haughty Stepford casualness.
At least with Spicer his sweaty bumbling made it clear how much he was lying, just as Kellyanne decays more with every lie she tells as what’s left of her soul escapes. Sanders is frightening with her “jus’ folks” haughty Stepford casualness.
I know, they look uncomfortably small.
Bradley Whitford is one of the good ones. In fact, he’d have voted for Obama for a third time if possible.
Install Kinjamprove. It has that function. I’m having a block party!
Part of the problem that engenders rape, sexual assault, and the silence that comes after it.
I second that. And it’s constant. He’s told me a few times basically, “You said this, but you should’ve said it but this ultra specific way,” and then he acts like he can’t follow a conversation if you try to engage or explain what you were saying. It’s annoying as shit.
The double standard there is finally being discussed in social-media land.
I sincerely hope that’s not the primary reason you didn’t move. I live about four miles from the headquarters here and I might as well live four thousand miles away.
For those of you not from LA, or unfamiliar with the Church of Scientology’s various offices, their “Celebrity Centre” is on Franklin Avenue, right at the foot of the Hollywood Hills. It’s basically a huge former hotel that they’ve converted into a fancy residence/venue for their famous members. They have parties and…
Translation - Please don’t point out that Trump was on mic bragging about walking in on nude underage beauty contestants on Stern, bragging to Billy Bush about how he could grab women by the pussy, and he just starts kissing them, he doesn’t even wait, and that 19 women have said on record that this was more than…
“I just invented the rocket, why would I need to invent some sort of aero gyro also?” - Mike Hughes
Yeah, how shameful of us to treat an abusive, racist misogynist so unfairly! Fuck off.
Yeah, clearly in this era of Neo-Nazis protesting in the streets and rampant sexual assault scandals, we should be nicer and more open-minded to abusive anti-Semites.
This is great. After this, I can’t wait until they finish privatizing the military! Then they’ll do the same with police and fire departments. “Someone broke into your house and is now trying to stab you? I’m sorry, sir. You don’t have a subscription with us. What? No, we’ll need to conduct a credit check and collect…
This is the obligatory reminder that Pai is former Associate General Council for Verizon, meaning that, like the SEC and Dick Cheney, the primary regulatory body charged with overseeing media conglomerates is headed by people who were directly employed by those companies before they got the oversight job and will…
As I said on the Lifehacker article but bears repeating:
...the Manson Family’s killing spree was reported to local police, who dismissed the allegations as “just Charlie being Charlie”
Ah’m more nawvous than a long-tailed cat in a room of full’a rockin’ chairs. Suga’.